Compare commits
No commits in common. "fada31cfcbc9bb59697d6aba701852f0dbe979f6" and "e9135d438a67b1be100e441ac2249023dbb14e15" have entirely different histories.
@ -50,6 +50,10 @@
"[jsonc]": {
"editor.defaultFormatter": "esbenp.prettier-vscode"
"cursor.cpp.disabledLanguages": [
"files.associations": {
"*.css": "tailwindcss"
@ -1,66 +1,23 @@
set $rosewater #f5e0dc
set $flamingo #f2cdcd
set $pink #f5c2e7
set $mauve #cba6f7
set $red #f38ba8
set $maroon #eba0ac
set $peach #fab387
set $yellow #f9e2af
set $green #a6e3a1
set $teal #94e2d5
set $sky #89dceb
set $sapphire #74c7ec
set $blue #89b4fa
set $lavender #b4befe
set $text #cdd6f4
set $subtext1 #bac2de
set $subtext0 #a6adc8
set $overlay2 #9399b2
set $overlay1 #7f849c
set $overlay0 #6c7086
set $surface2 #585b70
set $surface1 #45475a
set $surface0 #313244
set $base #1e1e2e
set $mantle #181825
set $crust #11111b
# This file has been auto-generated by i3-config-wizard(1).
# It will not be overwritten, so edit it as you like.
# Should you change your keyboard layout some time, delete
# this file and re-run i3-config-wizard(1).
# target title bg text indicator border
client.focused $lavender $crust $text $rosewater $lavender
client.focused_inactive $overlay0 $base $text $rosewater $overlay0
client.unfocused $overlay0 $base $text $rosewater $overlay0
client.urgent $peach $base $peach $overlay0 $peach
client.placeholder $overlay0 $base $text $overlay0 $overlay0
client.background $base
# i3 config file (v4)
# Please see for a complete reference!
set $mod Mod4
for_window [class="^.*"] title_format "%title"
title_align center
default_orientation auto
focus_wrapping no
popup_during_fullscreen smart
force_display_urgency_hint 1000 ms
focus_on_window_activation urgent
workspace_auto_back_and_forth yes
# Font for window titles. Will also be used by the bar unless a different font
# is used in the bar {} block below.
#font pango:monospace 8
font pango:FiraCode Nerd Font Mono Regular 8
default_border pixel 4
default_floating_border pixel 4
smart_borders on
gaps inner 8
gaps outer 0
smart_gaps on
hide_edge_borders none
for_window [window_role="(?i)(?:pop-up|setup)"] floating enable
for_window [class="zoom"] floating enable
mouse_warping none
# This font is widely installed, provides lots of unicode glyphs, right-to-left
# text rendering and scalability on retina/hidpi displays (thanks to pango).
font pango:FiraCode Nerd Font Mono 8
#exec --no-startup-id ~/.config/i3/
exec_always --no-startup-id $HOME/.config/polybar/
@ -103,8 +60,7 @@ bindsym $mod+Shift+a kill
# start dmenu (a program launcher)
#bindsym $mod+d exec --no-startup-id dmenu_run
bindsym $mod+d exec --no-startup-id rofi -show run
bindsym $mod+Tab exec --no-startup-id rofi -show window
bindsym $mod+d exec rofi -show run
# A more modern dmenu replacement is rofi:
# bindcode $mod+40 exec "rofi -modi drun,run -show drun"
# There also is i3-dmenu-desktop which only displays applications shipping a
Reference in New Issue
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