// Code generated - DO NOT EDIT. // This file is a generated binding and any manual changes will be lost. package contracts import ( "math/big" "strings" ethereum "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum" "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/accounts/abi" "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/accounts/abi/bind" "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/common" "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/core/types" "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/event" ) // Reference imports to suppress errors if they are not otherwise used. var ( _ = big.NewInt _ = strings.NewReader _ = ethereum.NotFound _ = bind.Bind _ = common.Big1 _ = types.BloomLookup _ = event.NewSubscription ) // MasterChefv2ABI is the input ABI used to generate the binding from. const MasterChefv2ABI = 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// MasterChefv2 is an auto generated Go binding around an Ethereum contract. type MasterChefv2 struct { MasterChefv2Caller // Read-only binding to the contract MasterChefv2Transactor // Write-only binding to the contract MasterChefv2Filterer // Log filterer for contract events } // MasterChefv2Caller is an auto generated read-only Go binding around an Ethereum contract. type MasterChefv2Caller struct { contract *bind.BoundContract // Generic contract wrapper for the low level calls } // MasterChefv2Transactor is an auto generated write-only Go binding around an Ethereum contract. type MasterChefv2Transactor struct { contract *bind.BoundContract // Generic contract wrapper for the low level calls } // MasterChefv2Filterer is an auto generated log filtering Go binding around an Ethereum contract events. type MasterChefv2Filterer struct { contract *bind.BoundContract // Generic contract wrapper for the low level calls } // MasterChefv2Session is an auto generated Go binding around an Ethereum contract, // with pre-set call and transact options. type MasterChefv2Session struct { Contract *MasterChefv2 // Generic contract binding to set the session for CallOpts bind.CallOpts // Call options to use throughout this session TransactOpts bind.TransactOpts // Transaction auth options to use throughout this session } // MasterChefv2CallerSession is an auto generated read-only Go binding around an Ethereum contract, // with pre-set call options. type MasterChefv2CallerSession struct { Contract *MasterChefv2Caller // Generic contract caller binding to set the session for CallOpts bind.CallOpts // Call options to use throughout this session } // MasterChefv2TransactorSession is an auto generated write-only Go binding around an Ethereum contract, // with pre-set transact options. type MasterChefv2TransactorSession struct { Contract *MasterChefv2Transactor // Generic contract transactor binding to set the session for TransactOpts bind.TransactOpts // Transaction auth options to use throughout this session } // MasterChefv2Raw is an auto generated low-level Go binding around an Ethereum contract. type MasterChefv2Raw struct { Contract *MasterChefv2 // Generic contract binding to access the raw methods on } // MasterChefv2CallerRaw is an auto generated low-level read-only Go binding around an Ethereum contract. type MasterChefv2CallerRaw struct { Contract *MasterChefv2Caller // Generic read-only contract binding to access the raw methods on } // MasterChefv2TransactorRaw is an auto generated low-level write-only Go binding around an Ethereum contract. type MasterChefv2TransactorRaw struct { Contract *MasterChefv2Transactor // Generic write-only contract binding to access the raw methods on } // NewMasterChefv2 creates a new instance of MasterChefv2, bound to a specific deployed contract. func NewMasterChefv2(address common.Address, backend bind.ContractBackend) (*MasterChefv2, error) { contract, err := bindMasterChefv2(address, backend, backend, backend) if err != nil { return nil, err } return &MasterChefv2{MasterChefv2Caller: MasterChefv2Caller{contract: contract}, MasterChefv2Transactor: MasterChefv2Transactor{contract: contract}, MasterChefv2Filterer: MasterChefv2Filterer{contract: contract}}, nil } // NewMasterChefv2Caller creates a new read-only instance of MasterChefv2, bound to a specific deployed contract. func NewMasterChefv2Caller(address common.Address, caller bind.ContractCaller) (*MasterChefv2Caller, error) { contract, err := bindMasterChefv2(address, caller, nil, nil) if err != nil { return nil, err } return &MasterChefv2Caller{contract: contract}, nil } // NewMasterChefv2Transactor creates a new write-only instance of MasterChefv2, bound to a specific deployed contract. func NewMasterChefv2Transactor(address common.Address, transactor bind.ContractTransactor) (*MasterChefv2Transactor, error) { contract, err := bindMasterChefv2(address, nil, transactor, nil) if err != nil { return nil, err } return &MasterChefv2Transactor{contract: contract}, nil } // NewMasterChefv2Filterer creates a new log filterer instance of MasterChefv2, bound to a specific deployed contract. func NewMasterChefv2Filterer(address common.Address, filterer bind.ContractFilterer) (*MasterChefv2Filterer, error) { contract, err := bindMasterChefv2(address, nil, nil, filterer) if err != nil { return nil, err } return &MasterChefv2Filterer{contract: contract}, nil } // bindMasterChefv2 binds a generic wrapper to an already deployed contract. func bindMasterChefv2(address common.Address, caller bind.ContractCaller, transactor bind.ContractTransactor, filterer bind.ContractFilterer) (*bind.BoundContract, error) { parsed, err := abi.JSON(strings.NewReader(MasterChefv2ABI)) if err != nil { return nil, err } return bind.NewBoundContract(address, parsed, caller, transactor, filterer), nil } // Call invokes the (constant) contract method with params as input values and // sets the output to result. The result type might be a single field for simple // returns, a slice of interfaces for anonymous returns and a struct for named // returns. func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2Raw) Call(opts *bind.CallOpts, result *[]interface{}, method string, params ...interface{}) error { return _MasterChefv2.Contract.MasterChefv2Caller.contract.Call(opts, result, method, params...) } // Transfer initiates a plain transaction to move funds to the contract, calling // its default method if one is available. func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2Raw) Transfer(opts *bind.TransactOpts) (*types.Transaction, error) { return _MasterChefv2.Contract.MasterChefv2Transactor.contract.Transfer(opts) } // Transact invokes the (paid) contract method with params as input values. func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2Raw) Transact(opts *bind.TransactOpts, method string, params ...interface{}) (*types.Transaction, error) { return _MasterChefv2.Contract.MasterChefv2Transactor.contract.Transact(opts, method, params...) } // Call invokes the (constant) contract method with params as input values and // sets the output to result. The result type might be a single field for simple // returns, a slice of interfaces for anonymous returns and a struct for named // returns. func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2CallerRaw) Call(opts *bind.CallOpts, result *[]interface{}, method string, params ...interface{}) error { return _MasterChefv2.Contract.contract.Call(opts, result, method, params...) } // Transfer initiates a plain transaction to move funds to the contract, calling // its default method if one is available. func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2TransactorRaw) Transfer(opts *bind.TransactOpts) (*types.Transaction, error) { return _MasterChefv2.Contract.contract.Transfer(opts) } // Transact invokes the (paid) contract method with params as input values. func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2TransactorRaw) Transact(opts *bind.TransactOpts, method string, params ...interface{}) (*types.Transaction, error) { return _MasterChefv2.Contract.contract.Transact(opts, method, params...) } // MAXALLOCPOINT is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0xf958d1f9. // // Solidity: function MAX_ALLOC_POINT() view returns(uint256) func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2Caller) MAXALLOCPOINT(opts *bind.CallOpts) (*big.Int, error) { var out []interface{} err := _MasterChefv2.contract.Call(opts, &out, "MAX_ALLOC_POINT") if err != nil { return *new(*big.Int), err } out0 := *abi.ConvertType(out[0], new(*big.Int)).(**big.Int) return out0, err } // MAXALLOCPOINT is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0xf958d1f9. // // Solidity: function MAX_ALLOC_POINT() view returns(uint256) func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2Session) MAXALLOCPOINT() (*big.Int, error) { return _MasterChefv2.Contract.MAXALLOCPOINT(&_MasterChefv2.CallOpts) } // MAXALLOCPOINT is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0xf958d1f9. // // Solidity: function MAX_ALLOC_POINT() view returns(uint256) func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2CallerSession) MAXALLOCPOINT() (*big.Int, error) { return _MasterChefv2.Contract.MAXALLOCPOINT(&_MasterChefv2.CallOpts) } // MAXEMISSIONRATE is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x436cc3d6. // // Solidity: function MAX_EMISSION_RATE() view returns(uint256) func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2Caller) MAXEMISSIONRATE(opts *bind.CallOpts) (*big.Int, error) { var out []interface{} err := _MasterChefv2.contract.Call(opts, &out, "MAX_EMISSION_RATE") if err != nil { return *new(*big.Int), err } out0 := *abi.ConvertType(out[0], new(*big.Int)).(**big.Int) return out0, err } // MAXEMISSIONRATE is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x436cc3d6. // // Solidity: function MAX_EMISSION_RATE() view returns(uint256) func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2Session) MAXEMISSIONRATE() (*big.Int, error) { return _MasterChefv2.Contract.MAXEMISSIONRATE(&_MasterChefv2.CallOpts) } // MAXEMISSIONRATE is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x436cc3d6. // // Solidity: function MAX_EMISSION_RATE() view returns(uint256) func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2CallerSession) MAXEMISSIONRATE() (*big.Int, error) { return _MasterChefv2.Contract.MAXEMISSIONRATE(&_MasterChefv2.CallOpts) } // DevAddress is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x3ad10ef6. // // Solidity: function devAddress() view returns(address) func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2Caller) DevAddress(opts *bind.CallOpts) (common.Address, error) { var out []interface{} err := _MasterChefv2.contract.Call(opts, &out, "devAddress") if err != nil { return *new(common.Address), err } out0 := *abi.ConvertType(out[0], new(common.Address)).(*common.Address) return out0, err } // DevAddress is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x3ad10ef6. // // Solidity: function devAddress() view returns(address) func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2Session) DevAddress() (common.Address, error) { return _MasterChefv2.Contract.DevAddress(&_MasterChefv2.CallOpts) } // DevAddress is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x3ad10ef6. // // Solidity: function devAddress() view returns(address) func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2CallerSession) DevAddress() (common.Address, error) { return _MasterChefv2.Contract.DevAddress(&_MasterChefv2.CallOpts) } // GetMultiplier is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x8dbb1e3a. // // Solidity: function getMultiplier(uint256 _from, uint256 _to) pure returns(uint256) func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2Caller) GetMultiplier(opts *bind.CallOpts, _from *big.Int, _to *big.Int) (*big.Int, error) { var out []interface{} err := _MasterChefv2.contract.Call(opts, &out, "getMultiplier", _from, _to) if err != nil { return *new(*big.Int), err } out0 := *abi.ConvertType(out[0], new(*big.Int)).(**big.Int) return out0, err } // GetMultiplier is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x8dbb1e3a. // // Solidity: function getMultiplier(uint256 _from, uint256 _to) pure returns(uint256) func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2Session) GetMultiplier(_from *big.Int, _to *big.Int) (*big.Int, error) { return _MasterChefv2.Contract.GetMultiplier(&_MasterChefv2.CallOpts, _from, _to) } // GetMultiplier is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x8dbb1e3a. // // Solidity: function getMultiplier(uint256 _from, uint256 _to) pure returns(uint256) func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2CallerSession) GetMultiplier(_from *big.Int, _to *big.Int) (*big.Int, error) { return _MasterChefv2.Contract.GetMultiplier(&_MasterChefv2.CallOpts, _from, _to) } // Owner is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x8da5cb5b. // // Solidity: function owner() view returns(address) func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2Caller) Owner(opts *bind.CallOpts) (common.Address, error) { var out []interface{} err := _MasterChefv2.contract.Call(opts, &out, "owner") if err != nil { return *new(common.Address), err } out0 := *abi.ConvertType(out[0], new(common.Address)).(*common.Address) return out0, err } // Owner is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x8da5cb5b. // // Solidity: function owner() view returns(address) func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2Session) Owner() (common.Address, error) { return _MasterChefv2.Contract.Owner(&_MasterChefv2.CallOpts) } // Owner is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x8da5cb5b. // // Solidity: function owner() view returns(address) func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2CallerSession) Owner() (common.Address, error) { return _MasterChefv2.Contract.Owner(&_MasterChefv2.CallOpts) } // Paw is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0xc0eb3d70. // // Solidity: function paw() view returns(address) func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2Caller) Paw(opts *bind.CallOpts) (common.Address, error) { var out []interface{} err := _MasterChefv2.contract.Call(opts, &out, "paw") if err != nil { return *new(common.Address), err } out0 := *abi.ConvertType(out[0], new(common.Address)).(*common.Address) return out0, err } // Paw is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0xc0eb3d70. // // Solidity: function paw() view returns(address) func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2Session) Paw() (common.Address, error) { return _MasterChefv2.Contract.Paw(&_MasterChefv2.CallOpts) } // Paw is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0xc0eb3d70. // // Solidity: function paw() view returns(address) func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2CallerSession) Paw() (common.Address, error) { return _MasterChefv2.Contract.Paw(&_MasterChefv2.CallOpts) } // PawPerBlock is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0xdb8f4094. // // Solidity: function pawPerBlock() view returns(uint256) func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2Caller) PawPerBlock(opts *bind.CallOpts) (*big.Int, error) { var out []interface{} err := _MasterChefv2.contract.Call(opts, &out, "pawPerBlock") if err != nil { return *new(*big.Int), err } out0 := *abi.ConvertType(out[0], new(*big.Int)).(**big.Int) return out0, err } // PawPerBlock is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0xdb8f4094. // // Solidity: function pawPerBlock() view returns(uint256) func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2Session) PawPerBlock() (*big.Int, error) { return _MasterChefv2.Contract.PawPerBlock(&_MasterChefv2.CallOpts) } // PawPerBlock is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0xdb8f4094. // // Solidity: function pawPerBlock() view returns(uint256) func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2CallerSession) PawPerBlock() (*big.Int, error) { return _MasterChefv2.Contract.PawPerBlock(&_MasterChefv2.CallOpts) } // PawTransferOwner is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0xf1a5affe. // // Solidity: function pawTransferOwner() view returns(address) func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2Caller) PawTransferOwner(opts *bind.CallOpts) (common.Address, error) { var out []interface{} err := _MasterChefv2.contract.Call(opts, &out, "pawTransferOwner") if err != nil { return *new(common.Address), err } out0 := *abi.ConvertType(out[0], new(common.Address)).(*common.Address) return out0, err } // PawTransferOwner is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0xf1a5affe. // // Solidity: function pawTransferOwner() view returns(address) func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2Session) PawTransferOwner() (common.Address, error) { return _MasterChefv2.Contract.PawTransferOwner(&_MasterChefv2.CallOpts) } // PawTransferOwner is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0xf1a5affe. // // Solidity: function pawTransferOwner() view returns(address) func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2CallerSession) PawTransferOwner() (common.Address, error) { return _MasterChefv2.Contract.PawTransferOwner(&_MasterChefv2.CallOpts) } // PendingPaw is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x1c1cd6f4. // // Solidity: function pendingPaw(uint256 _pid, address _user) view returns(uint256) func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2Caller) PendingPaw(opts *bind.CallOpts, _pid *big.Int, _user common.Address) (*big.Int, error) { var out []interface{} err := _MasterChefv2.contract.Call(opts, &out, "pendingPaw", _pid, _user) if err != nil { return *new(*big.Int), err } out0 := *abi.ConvertType(out[0], new(*big.Int)).(**big.Int) return out0, err } // PendingPaw is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x1c1cd6f4. // // Solidity: function pendingPaw(uint256 _pid, address _user) view returns(uint256) func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2Session) PendingPaw(_pid *big.Int, _user common.Address) (*big.Int, error) { return _MasterChefv2.Contract.PendingPaw(&_MasterChefv2.CallOpts, _pid, _user) } // PendingPaw is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x1c1cd6f4. // // Solidity: function pendingPaw(uint256 _pid, address _user) view returns(uint256) func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2CallerSession) PendingPaw(_pid *big.Int, _user common.Address) (*big.Int, error) { return _MasterChefv2.Contract.PendingPaw(&_MasterChefv2.CallOpts, _pid, _user) } // PoolExistence is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0xcbd258b5. // // Solidity: function poolExistence(address ) view returns(bool) func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2Caller) PoolExistence(opts *bind.CallOpts, arg0 common.Address) (bool, error) { var out []interface{} err := _MasterChefv2.contract.Call(opts, &out, "poolExistence", arg0) if err != nil { return *new(bool), err } out0 := *abi.ConvertType(out[0], new(bool)).(*bool) return out0, err } // PoolExistence is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0xcbd258b5. // // Solidity: function poolExistence(address ) view returns(bool) func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2Session) PoolExistence(arg0 common.Address) (bool, error) { return _MasterChefv2.Contract.PoolExistence(&_MasterChefv2.CallOpts, arg0) } // PoolExistence is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0xcbd258b5. // // Solidity: function poolExistence(address ) view returns(bool) func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2CallerSession) PoolExistence(arg0 common.Address) (bool, error) { return _MasterChefv2.Contract.PoolExistence(&_MasterChefv2.CallOpts, arg0) } // PoolInfo is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x1526fe27. // // Solidity: function poolInfo(uint256 ) view returns(address lpToken, uint256 allocPoint, uint256 totalDeposited, uint256 lastRewardBlock, uint256 accPawPerShare) func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2Caller) PoolInfo(opts *bind.CallOpts, arg0 *big.Int) (struct { LpToken common.Address AllocPoint *big.Int TotalDeposited *big.Int LastRewardBlock *big.Int AccPawPerShare *big.Int }, error) { var out []interface{} err := _MasterChefv2.contract.Call(opts, &out, "poolInfo", arg0) outstruct := new(struct { LpToken common.Address AllocPoint *big.Int TotalDeposited *big.Int LastRewardBlock *big.Int AccPawPerShare *big.Int }) if err != nil { return *outstruct, err } outstruct.LpToken = *abi.ConvertType(out[0], new(common.Address)).(*common.Address) outstruct.AllocPoint = *abi.ConvertType(out[1], new(*big.Int)).(**big.Int) outstruct.TotalDeposited = *abi.ConvertType(out[2], new(*big.Int)).(**big.Int) outstruct.LastRewardBlock = *abi.ConvertType(out[3], new(*big.Int)).(**big.Int) outstruct.AccPawPerShare = *abi.ConvertType(out[4], new(*big.Int)).(**big.Int) return *outstruct, err } // PoolInfo is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x1526fe27. // // Solidity: function poolInfo(uint256 ) view returns(address lpToken, uint256 allocPoint, uint256 totalDeposited, uint256 lastRewardBlock, uint256 accPawPerShare) func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2Session) PoolInfo(arg0 *big.Int) (struct { LpToken common.Address AllocPoint *big.Int TotalDeposited *big.Int LastRewardBlock *big.Int AccPawPerShare *big.Int }, error) { return _MasterChefv2.Contract.PoolInfo(&_MasterChefv2.CallOpts, arg0) } // PoolInfo is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x1526fe27. // // Solidity: function poolInfo(uint256 ) view returns(address lpToken, uint256 allocPoint, uint256 totalDeposited, uint256 lastRewardBlock, uint256 accPawPerShare) func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2CallerSession) PoolInfo(arg0 *big.Int) (struct { LpToken common.Address AllocPoint *big.Int TotalDeposited *big.Int LastRewardBlock *big.Int AccPawPerShare *big.Int }, error) { return _MasterChefv2.Contract.PoolInfo(&_MasterChefv2.CallOpts, arg0) } // PoolLength is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x081e3eda. // // Solidity: function poolLength() view returns(uint256) func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2Caller) PoolLength(opts *bind.CallOpts) (*big.Int, error) { var out []interface{} err := _MasterChefv2.contract.Call(opts, &out, "poolLength") if err != nil { return *new(*big.Int), err } out0 := *abi.ConvertType(out[0], new(*big.Int)).(**big.Int) return out0, err } // PoolLength is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x081e3eda. // // Solidity: function poolLength() view returns(uint256) func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2Session) PoolLength() (*big.Int, error) { return _MasterChefv2.Contract.PoolLength(&_MasterChefv2.CallOpts) } // PoolLength is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x081e3eda. // // Solidity: function poolLength() view returns(uint256) func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2CallerSession) PoolLength() (*big.Int, error) { return _MasterChefv2.Contract.PoolLength(&_MasterChefv2.CallOpts) } // RewardLocker is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x3892601c. // // Solidity: function rewardLocker() view returns(address) func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2Caller) RewardLocker(opts *bind.CallOpts) (common.Address, error) { var out []interface{} err := _MasterChefv2.contract.Call(opts, &out, "rewardLocker") if err != nil { return *new(common.Address), err } out0 := *abi.ConvertType(out[0], new(common.Address)).(*common.Address) return out0, err } // RewardLocker is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x3892601c. // // Solidity: function rewardLocker() view returns(address) func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2Session) RewardLocker() (common.Address, error) { return _MasterChefv2.Contract.RewardLocker(&_MasterChefv2.CallOpts) } // RewardLocker is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x3892601c. // // Solidity: function rewardLocker() view returns(address) func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2CallerSession) RewardLocker() (common.Address, error) { return _MasterChefv2.Contract.RewardLocker(&_MasterChefv2.CallOpts) } // StartBlock is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x48cd4cb1. // // Solidity: function startBlock() view returns(uint256) func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2Caller) StartBlock(opts *bind.CallOpts) (*big.Int, error) { var out []interface{} err := _MasterChefv2.contract.Call(opts, &out, "startBlock") if err != nil { return *new(*big.Int), err } out0 := *abi.ConvertType(out[0], new(*big.Int)).(**big.Int) return out0, err } // StartBlock is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x48cd4cb1. // // Solidity: function startBlock() view returns(uint256) func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2Session) StartBlock() (*big.Int, error) { return _MasterChefv2.Contract.StartBlock(&_MasterChefv2.CallOpts) } // StartBlock is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x48cd4cb1. // // Solidity: function startBlock() view returns(uint256) func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2CallerSession) StartBlock() (*big.Int, error) { return _MasterChefv2.Contract.StartBlock(&_MasterChefv2.CallOpts) } // TotalAllocPoint is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x17caf6f1. // // Solidity: function totalAllocPoint() view returns(uint256) func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2Caller) TotalAllocPoint(opts *bind.CallOpts) (*big.Int, error) { var out []interface{} err := _MasterChefv2.contract.Call(opts, &out, "totalAllocPoint") if err != nil { return *new(*big.Int), err } out0 := *abi.ConvertType(out[0], new(*big.Int)).(**big.Int) return out0, err } // TotalAllocPoint is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x17caf6f1. // // Solidity: function totalAllocPoint() view returns(uint256) func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2Session) TotalAllocPoint() (*big.Int, error) { return _MasterChefv2.Contract.TotalAllocPoint(&_MasterChefv2.CallOpts) } // TotalAllocPoint is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x17caf6f1. // // Solidity: function totalAllocPoint() view returns(uint256) func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2CallerSession) TotalAllocPoint() (*big.Int, error) { return _MasterChefv2.Contract.TotalAllocPoint(&_MasterChefv2.CallOpts) } // UserInfo is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x93f1a40b. // // Solidity: function userInfo(uint256 , address ) view returns(uint256 amount, uint256 lastPawPerShare, uint256 unclaimed) func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2Caller) UserInfo(opts *bind.CallOpts, arg0 *big.Int, arg1 common.Address) (struct { Amount *big.Int LastPawPerShare *big.Int Unclaimed *big.Int }, error) { var out []interface{} err := _MasterChefv2.contract.Call(opts, &out, "userInfo", arg0, arg1) outstruct := new(struct { Amount *big.Int LastPawPerShare *big.Int Unclaimed *big.Int }) if err != nil { return *outstruct, err } outstruct.Amount = *abi.ConvertType(out[0], new(*big.Int)).(**big.Int) outstruct.LastPawPerShare = *abi.ConvertType(out[1], new(*big.Int)).(**big.Int) outstruct.Unclaimed = *abi.ConvertType(out[2], new(*big.Int)).(**big.Int) return *outstruct, err } // UserInfo is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x93f1a40b. // // Solidity: function userInfo(uint256 , address ) view returns(uint256 amount, uint256 lastPawPerShare, uint256 unclaimed) func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2Session) UserInfo(arg0 *big.Int, arg1 common.Address) (struct { Amount *big.Int LastPawPerShare *big.Int Unclaimed *big.Int }, error) { return _MasterChefv2.Contract.UserInfo(&_MasterChefv2.CallOpts, arg0, arg1) } // UserInfo is a free data retrieval call binding the contract method 0x93f1a40b. // // Solidity: function userInfo(uint256 , address ) view returns(uint256 amount, uint256 lastPawPerShare, uint256 unclaimed) func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2CallerSession) UserInfo(arg0 *big.Int, arg1 common.Address) (struct { Amount *big.Int LastPawPerShare *big.Int Unclaimed *big.Int }, error) { return _MasterChefv2.Contract.UserInfo(&_MasterChefv2.CallOpts, arg0, arg1) } // Add is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x1eaaa045. // // Solidity: function add(uint256 _allocPoint, address _lpToken, bool _massUpdatePools) returns() func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2Transactor) Add(opts *bind.TransactOpts, _allocPoint *big.Int, _lpToken common.Address, _massUpdatePools bool) (*types.Transaction, error) { return _MasterChefv2.contract.Transact(opts, "add", _allocPoint, _lpToken, _massUpdatePools) } // Add is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x1eaaa045. // // Solidity: function add(uint256 _allocPoint, address _lpToken, bool _massUpdatePools) returns() func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2Session) Add(_allocPoint *big.Int, _lpToken common.Address, _massUpdatePools bool) (*types.Transaction, error) { return _MasterChefv2.Contract.Add(&_MasterChefv2.TransactOpts, _allocPoint, _lpToken, _massUpdatePools) } // Add is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x1eaaa045. // // Solidity: function add(uint256 _allocPoint, address _lpToken, bool _massUpdatePools) returns() func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2TransactorSession) Add(_allocPoint *big.Int, _lpToken common.Address, _massUpdatePools bool) (*types.Transaction, error) { return _MasterChefv2.Contract.Add(&_MasterChefv2.TransactOpts, _allocPoint, _lpToken, _massUpdatePools) } // Deposit is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x43a0d066. // // Solidity: function deposit(uint256 _pid, uint256 _amount, bool _shouldHarvest) returns() func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2Transactor) Deposit(opts *bind.TransactOpts, _pid *big.Int, _amount *big.Int, _shouldHarvest bool) (*types.Transaction, error) { return _MasterChefv2.contract.Transact(opts, "deposit", _pid, _amount, _shouldHarvest) } // Deposit is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x43a0d066. // // Solidity: function deposit(uint256 _pid, uint256 _amount, bool _shouldHarvest) returns() func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2Session) Deposit(_pid *big.Int, _amount *big.Int, _shouldHarvest bool) (*types.Transaction, error) { return _MasterChefv2.Contract.Deposit(&_MasterChefv2.TransactOpts, _pid, _amount, _shouldHarvest) } // Deposit is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x43a0d066. // // Solidity: function deposit(uint256 _pid, uint256 _amount, bool _shouldHarvest) returns() func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2TransactorSession) Deposit(_pid *big.Int, _amount *big.Int, _shouldHarvest bool) (*types.Transaction, error) { return _MasterChefv2.Contract.Deposit(&_MasterChefv2.TransactOpts, _pid, _amount, _shouldHarvest) } // EmergencyWithdraw is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x5312ea8e. // // Solidity: function emergencyWithdraw(uint256 _pid) returns() func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2Transactor) EmergencyWithdraw(opts *bind.TransactOpts, _pid *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error) { return _MasterChefv2.contract.Transact(opts, "emergencyWithdraw", _pid) } // EmergencyWithdraw is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x5312ea8e. // // Solidity: function emergencyWithdraw(uint256 _pid) returns() func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2Session) EmergencyWithdraw(_pid *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error) { return _MasterChefv2.Contract.EmergencyWithdraw(&_MasterChefv2.TransactOpts, _pid) } // EmergencyWithdraw is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x5312ea8e. // // Solidity: function emergencyWithdraw(uint256 _pid) returns() func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2TransactorSession) EmergencyWithdraw(_pid *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error) { return _MasterChefv2.Contract.EmergencyWithdraw(&_MasterChefv2.TransactOpts, _pid) } // Harvest is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0xddc63262. // // Solidity: function harvest(uint256 _pid) returns() func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2Transactor) Harvest(opts *bind.TransactOpts, _pid *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error) { return _MasterChefv2.contract.Transact(opts, "harvest", _pid) } // Harvest is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0xddc63262. // // Solidity: function harvest(uint256 _pid) returns() func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2Session) Harvest(_pid *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error) { return _MasterChefv2.Contract.Harvest(&_MasterChefv2.TransactOpts, _pid) } // Harvest is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0xddc63262. // // Solidity: function harvest(uint256 _pid) returns() func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2TransactorSession) Harvest(_pid *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error) { return _MasterChefv2.Contract.Harvest(&_MasterChefv2.TransactOpts, _pid) } // HarvestAll is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x8ed955b9. // // Solidity: function harvestAll() returns() func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2Transactor) HarvestAll(opts *bind.TransactOpts) (*types.Transaction, error) { return _MasterChefv2.contract.Transact(opts, "harvestAll") } // HarvestAll is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x8ed955b9. // // Solidity: function harvestAll() returns() func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2Session) HarvestAll() (*types.Transaction, error) { return _MasterChefv2.Contract.HarvestAll(&_MasterChefv2.TransactOpts) } // HarvestAll is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x8ed955b9. // // Solidity: function harvestAll() returns() func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2TransactorSession) HarvestAll() (*types.Transaction, error) { return _MasterChefv2.Contract.HarvestAll(&_MasterChefv2.TransactOpts) } // HarvestMultiple is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x218e0f73. // // Solidity: function harvestMultiple(uint256[] _pids) returns() func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2Transactor) HarvestMultiple(opts *bind.TransactOpts, _pids []*big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error) { return _MasterChefv2.contract.Transact(opts, "harvestMultiple", _pids) } // HarvestMultiple is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x218e0f73. // // Solidity: function harvestMultiple(uint256[] _pids) returns() func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2Session) HarvestMultiple(_pids []*big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error) { return _MasterChefv2.Contract.HarvestMultiple(&_MasterChefv2.TransactOpts, _pids) } // HarvestMultiple is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x218e0f73. // // Solidity: function harvestMultiple(uint256[] _pids) returns() func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2TransactorSession) HarvestMultiple(_pids []*big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error) { return _MasterChefv2.Contract.HarvestMultiple(&_MasterChefv2.TransactOpts, _pids) } // MassUpdatePools is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x630b5ba1. // // Solidity: function massUpdatePools() returns() func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2Transactor) MassUpdatePools(opts *bind.TransactOpts) (*types.Transaction, error) { return _MasterChefv2.contract.Transact(opts, "massUpdatePools") } // MassUpdatePools is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x630b5ba1. // // Solidity: function massUpdatePools() returns() func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2Session) MassUpdatePools() (*types.Transaction, error) { return _MasterChefv2.Contract.MassUpdatePools(&_MasterChefv2.TransactOpts) } // MassUpdatePools is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x630b5ba1. // // Solidity: function massUpdatePools() returns() func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2TransactorSession) MassUpdatePools() (*types.Transaction, error) { return _MasterChefv2.Contract.MassUpdatePools(&_MasterChefv2.TransactOpts) } // RenounceOwnership is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x715018a6. // // Solidity: function renounceOwnership() returns() func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2Transactor) RenounceOwnership(opts *bind.TransactOpts) (*types.Transaction, error) { return _MasterChefv2.contract.Transact(opts, "renounceOwnership") } // RenounceOwnership is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x715018a6. // // Solidity: function renounceOwnership() returns() func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2Session) RenounceOwnership() (*types.Transaction, error) { return _MasterChefv2.Contract.RenounceOwnership(&_MasterChefv2.TransactOpts) } // RenounceOwnership is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x715018a6. // // Solidity: function renounceOwnership() returns() func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2TransactorSession) RenounceOwnership() (*types.Transaction, error) { return _MasterChefv2.Contract.RenounceOwnership(&_MasterChefv2.TransactOpts) } // Set is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x1ab06ee5. // // Solidity: function set(uint256 _pid, uint256 _allocPoint) returns() func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2Transactor) Set(opts *bind.TransactOpts, _pid *big.Int, _allocPoint *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error) { return _MasterChefv2.contract.Transact(opts, "set", _pid, _allocPoint) } // Set is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x1ab06ee5. // // Solidity: function set(uint256 _pid, uint256 _allocPoint) returns() func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2Session) Set(_pid *big.Int, _allocPoint *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error) { return _MasterChefv2.Contract.Set(&_MasterChefv2.TransactOpts, _pid, _allocPoint) } // Set is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x1ab06ee5. // // Solidity: function set(uint256 _pid, uint256 _allocPoint) returns() func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2TransactorSession) Set(_pid *big.Int, _allocPoint *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error) { return _MasterChefv2.Contract.Set(&_MasterChefv2.TransactOpts, _pid, _allocPoint) } // SetDevAddress is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0xd0d41fe1. // // Solidity: function setDevAddress(address _devAddress) returns() func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2Transactor) SetDevAddress(opts *bind.TransactOpts, _devAddress common.Address) (*types.Transaction, error) { return _MasterChefv2.contract.Transact(opts, "setDevAddress", _devAddress) } // SetDevAddress is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0xd0d41fe1. // // Solidity: function setDevAddress(address _devAddress) returns() func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2Session) SetDevAddress(_devAddress common.Address) (*types.Transaction, error) { return _MasterChefv2.Contract.SetDevAddress(&_MasterChefv2.TransactOpts, _devAddress) } // SetDevAddress is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0xd0d41fe1. // // Solidity: function setDevAddress(address _devAddress) returns() func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2TransactorSession) SetDevAddress(_devAddress common.Address) (*types.Transaction, error) { return _MasterChefv2.Contract.SetDevAddress(&_MasterChefv2.TransactOpts, _devAddress) } // SetPawTransferOwner is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0xede530d3. // // Solidity: function setPawTransferOwner(address _pawTransferOwner) returns() func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2Transactor) SetPawTransferOwner(opts *bind.TransactOpts, _pawTransferOwner common.Address) (*types.Transaction, error) { return _MasterChefv2.contract.Transact(opts, "setPawTransferOwner", _pawTransferOwner) } // SetPawTransferOwner is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0xede530d3. // // Solidity: function setPawTransferOwner(address _pawTransferOwner) returns() func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2Session) SetPawTransferOwner(_pawTransferOwner common.Address) (*types.Transaction, error) { return _MasterChefv2.Contract.SetPawTransferOwner(&_MasterChefv2.TransactOpts, _pawTransferOwner) } // SetPawTransferOwner is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0xede530d3. // // Solidity: function setPawTransferOwner(address _pawTransferOwner) returns() func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2TransactorSession) SetPawTransferOwner(_pawTransferOwner common.Address) (*types.Transaction, error) { return _MasterChefv2.Contract.SetPawTransferOwner(&_MasterChefv2.TransactOpts, _pawTransferOwner) } // TransferOwnership is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0xf2fde38b. // // Solidity: function transferOwnership(address newOwner) returns() func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2Transactor) TransferOwnership(opts *bind.TransactOpts, newOwner common.Address) (*types.Transaction, error) { return _MasterChefv2.contract.Transact(opts, "transferOwnership", newOwner) } // TransferOwnership is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0xf2fde38b. // // Solidity: function transferOwnership(address newOwner) returns() func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2Session) TransferOwnership(newOwner common.Address) (*types.Transaction, error) { return _MasterChefv2.Contract.TransferOwnership(&_MasterChefv2.TransactOpts, newOwner) } // TransferOwnership is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0xf2fde38b. // // Solidity: function transferOwnership(address newOwner) returns() func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2TransactorSession) TransferOwnership(newOwner common.Address) (*types.Transaction, error) { return _MasterChefv2.Contract.TransferOwnership(&_MasterChefv2.TransactOpts, newOwner) } // TransferPawOwnership is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0xe7a5c5ec. // // Solidity: function transferPawOwnership(address _newOwner) returns() func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2Transactor) TransferPawOwnership(opts *bind.TransactOpts, _newOwner common.Address) (*types.Transaction, error) { return _MasterChefv2.contract.Transact(opts, "transferPawOwnership", _newOwner) } // TransferPawOwnership is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0xe7a5c5ec. // // Solidity: function transferPawOwnership(address _newOwner) returns() func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2Session) TransferPawOwnership(_newOwner common.Address) (*types.Transaction, error) { return _MasterChefv2.Contract.TransferPawOwnership(&_MasterChefv2.TransactOpts, _newOwner) } // TransferPawOwnership is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0xe7a5c5ec. // // Solidity: function transferPawOwnership(address _newOwner) returns() func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2TransactorSession) TransferPawOwnership(_newOwner common.Address) (*types.Transaction, error) { return _MasterChefv2.Contract.TransferPawOwnership(&_MasterChefv2.TransactOpts, _newOwner) } // UpdateEmissionRate is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x0ba84cd2. // // Solidity: function updateEmissionRate(uint256 _pawPerBlock) returns() func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2Transactor) UpdateEmissionRate(opts *bind.TransactOpts, _pawPerBlock *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error) { return _MasterChefv2.contract.Transact(opts, "updateEmissionRate", _pawPerBlock) } // UpdateEmissionRate is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x0ba84cd2. // // Solidity: function updateEmissionRate(uint256 _pawPerBlock) returns() func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2Session) UpdateEmissionRate(_pawPerBlock *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error) { return _MasterChefv2.Contract.UpdateEmissionRate(&_MasterChefv2.TransactOpts, _pawPerBlock) } // UpdateEmissionRate is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x0ba84cd2. // // Solidity: function updateEmissionRate(uint256 _pawPerBlock) returns() func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2TransactorSession) UpdateEmissionRate(_pawPerBlock *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error) { return _MasterChefv2.Contract.UpdateEmissionRate(&_MasterChefv2.TransactOpts, _pawPerBlock) } // UpdatePool is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x51eb05a6. // // Solidity: function updatePool(uint256 _pid) returns() func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2Transactor) UpdatePool(opts *bind.TransactOpts, _pid *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error) { return _MasterChefv2.contract.Transact(opts, "updatePool", _pid) } // UpdatePool is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x51eb05a6. // // Solidity: function updatePool(uint256 _pid) returns() func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2Session) UpdatePool(_pid *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error) { return _MasterChefv2.Contract.UpdatePool(&_MasterChefv2.TransactOpts, _pid) } // UpdatePool is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x51eb05a6. // // Solidity: function updatePool(uint256 _pid) returns() func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2TransactorSession) UpdatePool(_pid *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error) { return _MasterChefv2.Contract.UpdatePool(&_MasterChefv2.TransactOpts, _pid) } // Withdraw is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x33cfcd3b. // // Solidity: function withdraw(uint256 _pid, uint256 _amount, bool _shouldHarvest) returns() func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2Transactor) Withdraw(opts *bind.TransactOpts, _pid *big.Int, _amount *big.Int, _shouldHarvest bool) (*types.Transaction, error) { return _MasterChefv2.contract.Transact(opts, "withdraw", _pid, _amount, _shouldHarvest) } // Withdraw is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x33cfcd3b. // // Solidity: function withdraw(uint256 _pid, uint256 _amount, bool _shouldHarvest) returns() func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2Session) Withdraw(_pid *big.Int, _amount *big.Int, _shouldHarvest bool) (*types.Transaction, error) { return _MasterChefv2.Contract.Withdraw(&_MasterChefv2.TransactOpts, _pid, _amount, _shouldHarvest) } // Withdraw is a paid mutator transaction binding the contract method 0x33cfcd3b. // // Solidity: function withdraw(uint256 _pid, uint256 _amount, bool _shouldHarvest) returns() func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2TransactorSession) Withdraw(_pid *big.Int, _amount *big.Int, _shouldHarvest bool) (*types.Transaction, error) { return _MasterChefv2.Contract.Withdraw(&_MasterChefv2.TransactOpts, _pid, _amount, _shouldHarvest) } // MasterChefv2AddIterator is returned from FilterAdd and is used to iterate over the raw logs and unpacked data for Add events raised by the MasterChefv2 contract. type MasterChefv2AddIterator struct { Event *MasterChefv2Add // Event containing the contract specifics and raw log contract *bind.BoundContract // Generic contract to use for unpacking event data event string // Event name to use for unpacking event data logs chan types.Log // Log channel receiving the found contract events sub ethereum.Subscription // Subscription for errors, completion and termination done bool // Whether the subscription completed delivering logs fail error // Occurred error to stop iteration } // Next advances the iterator to the subsequent event, returning whether there // are any more events found. In case of a retrieval or parsing error, false is // returned and Error() can be queried for the exact failure. func (it *MasterChefv2AddIterator) Next() bool { // If the iterator failed, stop iterating if it.fail != nil { return false } // If the iterator completed, deliver directly whatever's available if it.done { select { case log := <-it.logs: it.Event = new(MasterChefv2Add) if err := it.contract.UnpackLog(it.Event, it.event, log); err != nil { it.fail = err return false } it.Event.Raw = log return true default: return false } } // Iterator still in progress, wait for either a data or an error event select { case log := <-it.logs: it.Event = new(MasterChefv2Add) if err := it.contract.UnpackLog(it.Event, it.event, log); err != nil { it.fail = err return false } it.Event.Raw = log return true case err := <-it.sub.Err(): it.done = true it.fail = err return it.Next() } } // Error returns any retrieval or parsing error occurred during filtering. func (it *MasterChefv2AddIterator) Error() error { return it.fail } // Close terminates the iteration process, releasing any pending underlying // resources. func (it *MasterChefv2AddIterator) Close() error { it.sub.Unsubscribe() return nil } // MasterChefv2Add represents a Add event raised by the MasterChefv2 contract. type MasterChefv2Add struct { User common.Address AllocPoint *big.Int Token common.Address MassUpdatePools bool Raw types.Log // Blockchain specific contextual infos } // FilterAdd is a free log retrieval operation binding the contract event 0x6bff160bd5aed7481f5b68cfb37186cc022a63f2dec5eca7648178b239ae2892. // // Solidity: event Add(address indexed user, uint256 allocPoint, address indexed token, bool massUpdatePools) func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2Filterer) FilterAdd(opts *bind.FilterOpts, user []common.Address, token []common.Address) (*MasterChefv2AddIterator, error) { var userRule []interface{} for _, userItem := range user { userRule = append(userRule, userItem) } var tokenRule []interface{} for _, tokenItem := range token { tokenRule = append(tokenRule, tokenItem) } logs, sub, err := _MasterChefv2.contract.FilterLogs(opts, "Add", userRule, tokenRule) if err != nil { return nil, err } return &MasterChefv2AddIterator{contract: _MasterChefv2.contract, event: "Add", logs: logs, sub: sub}, nil } // WatchAdd is a free log subscription operation binding the contract event 0x6bff160bd5aed7481f5b68cfb37186cc022a63f2dec5eca7648178b239ae2892. // // Solidity: event Add(address indexed user, uint256 allocPoint, address indexed token, bool massUpdatePools) func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2Filterer) WatchAdd(opts *bind.WatchOpts, sink chan<- *MasterChefv2Add, user []common.Address, token []common.Address) (event.Subscription, error) { var userRule []interface{} for _, userItem := range user { userRule = append(userRule, userItem) } var tokenRule []interface{} for _, tokenItem := range token { tokenRule = append(tokenRule, tokenItem) } logs, sub, err := _MasterChefv2.contract.WatchLogs(opts, "Add", userRule, tokenRule) if err != nil { return nil, err } return event.NewSubscription(func(quit <-chan struct{}) error { defer sub.Unsubscribe() for { select { case log := <-logs: // New log arrived, parse the event and forward to the user event := new(MasterChefv2Add) if err := _MasterChefv2.contract.UnpackLog(event, "Add", log); err != nil { return err } event.Raw = log select { case sink <- event: case err := <-sub.Err(): return err case <-quit: return nil } case err := <-sub.Err(): return err case <-quit: return nil } } }), nil } // ParseAdd is a log parse operation binding the contract event 0x6bff160bd5aed7481f5b68cfb37186cc022a63f2dec5eca7648178b239ae2892. // // Solidity: event Add(address indexed user, uint256 allocPoint, address indexed token, bool massUpdatePools) func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2Filterer) ParseAdd(log types.Log) (*MasterChefv2Add, error) { event := new(MasterChefv2Add) if err := _MasterChefv2.contract.UnpackLog(event, "Add", log); err != nil { return nil, err } event.Raw = log return event, nil } // MasterChefv2DepositIterator is returned from FilterDeposit and is used to iterate over the raw logs and unpacked data for Deposit events raised by the MasterChefv2 contract. type MasterChefv2DepositIterator struct { Event *MasterChefv2Deposit // Event containing the contract specifics and raw log contract *bind.BoundContract // Generic contract to use for unpacking event data event string // Event name to use for unpacking event data logs chan types.Log // Log channel receiving the found contract events sub ethereum.Subscription // Subscription for errors, completion and termination done bool // Whether the subscription completed delivering logs fail error // Occurred error to stop iteration } // Next advances the iterator to the subsequent event, returning whether there // are any more events found. In case of a retrieval or parsing error, false is // returned and Error() can be queried for the exact failure. func (it *MasterChefv2DepositIterator) Next() bool { // If the iterator failed, stop iterating if it.fail != nil { return false } // If the iterator completed, deliver directly whatever's available if it.done { select { case log := <-it.logs: it.Event = new(MasterChefv2Deposit) if err := it.contract.UnpackLog(it.Event, it.event, log); err != nil { it.fail = err return false } it.Event.Raw = log return true default: return false } } // Iterator still in progress, wait for either a data or an error event select { case log := <-it.logs: it.Event = new(MasterChefv2Deposit) if err := it.contract.UnpackLog(it.Event, it.event, log); err != nil { it.fail = err return false } it.Event.Raw = log return true case err := <-it.sub.Err(): it.done = true it.fail = err return it.Next() } } // Error returns any retrieval or parsing error occurred during filtering. func (it *MasterChefv2DepositIterator) Error() error { return it.fail } // Close terminates the iteration process, releasing any pending underlying // resources. func (it *MasterChefv2DepositIterator) Close() error { it.sub.Unsubscribe() return nil } // MasterChefv2Deposit represents a Deposit event raised by the MasterChefv2 contract. type MasterChefv2Deposit struct { User common.Address Pid *big.Int Amount *big.Int Harvest bool Raw types.Log // Blockchain specific contextual infos } // FilterDeposit is a free log retrieval operation binding the contract event 0x6dbb6056a2fff319358e6dd7d0d72cb3baa992cdcc7e120fb0a32cd1601840e5. // // Solidity: event Deposit(address indexed user, uint256 indexed pid, uint256 amount, bool harvest) func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2Filterer) FilterDeposit(opts *bind.FilterOpts, user []common.Address, pid []*big.Int) (*MasterChefv2DepositIterator, error) { var userRule []interface{} for _, userItem := range user { userRule = append(userRule, userItem) } var pidRule []interface{} for _, pidItem := range pid { pidRule = append(pidRule, pidItem) } logs, sub, err := _MasterChefv2.contract.FilterLogs(opts, "Deposit", userRule, pidRule) if err != nil { return nil, err } return &MasterChefv2DepositIterator{contract: _MasterChefv2.contract, event: "Deposit", logs: logs, sub: sub}, nil } // WatchDeposit is a free log subscription operation binding the contract event 0x6dbb6056a2fff319358e6dd7d0d72cb3baa992cdcc7e120fb0a32cd1601840e5. // // Solidity: event Deposit(address indexed user, uint256 indexed pid, uint256 amount, bool harvest) func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2Filterer) WatchDeposit(opts *bind.WatchOpts, sink chan<- *MasterChefv2Deposit, user []common.Address, pid []*big.Int) (event.Subscription, error) { var userRule []interface{} for _, userItem := range user { userRule = append(userRule, userItem) } var pidRule []interface{} for _, pidItem := range pid { pidRule = append(pidRule, pidItem) } logs, sub, err := _MasterChefv2.contract.WatchLogs(opts, "Deposit", userRule, pidRule) if err != nil { return nil, err } return event.NewSubscription(func(quit <-chan struct{}) error { defer sub.Unsubscribe() for { select { case log := <-logs: // New log arrived, parse the event and forward to the user event := new(MasterChefv2Deposit) if err := _MasterChefv2.contract.UnpackLog(event, "Deposit", log); err != nil { return err } event.Raw = log select { case sink <- event: case err := <-sub.Err(): return err case <-quit: return nil } case err := <-sub.Err(): return err case <-quit: return nil } } }), nil } // ParseDeposit is a log parse operation binding the contract event 0x6dbb6056a2fff319358e6dd7d0d72cb3baa992cdcc7e120fb0a32cd1601840e5. // // Solidity: event Deposit(address indexed user, uint256 indexed pid, uint256 amount, bool harvest) func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2Filterer) ParseDeposit(log types.Log) (*MasterChefv2Deposit, error) { event := new(MasterChefv2Deposit) if err := _MasterChefv2.contract.UnpackLog(event, "Deposit", log); err != nil { return nil, err } event.Raw = log return event, nil } // MasterChefv2EmergencyWithdrawIterator is returned from FilterEmergencyWithdraw and is used to iterate over the raw logs and unpacked data for EmergencyWithdraw events raised by the MasterChefv2 contract. type MasterChefv2EmergencyWithdrawIterator struct { Event *MasterChefv2EmergencyWithdraw // Event containing the contract specifics and raw log contract *bind.BoundContract // Generic contract to use for unpacking event data event string // Event name to use for unpacking event data logs chan types.Log // Log channel receiving the found contract events sub ethereum.Subscription // Subscription for errors, completion and termination done bool // Whether the subscription completed delivering logs fail error // Occurred error to stop iteration } // Next advances the iterator to the subsequent event, returning whether there // are any more events found. In case of a retrieval or parsing error, false is // returned and Error() can be queried for the exact failure. func (it *MasterChefv2EmergencyWithdrawIterator) Next() bool { // If the iterator failed, stop iterating if it.fail != nil { return false } // If the iterator completed, deliver directly whatever's available if it.done { select { case log := <-it.logs: it.Event = new(MasterChefv2EmergencyWithdraw) if err := it.contract.UnpackLog(it.Event, it.event, log); err != nil { it.fail = err return false } it.Event.Raw = log return true default: return false } } // Iterator still in progress, wait for either a data or an error event select { case log := <-it.logs: it.Event = new(MasterChefv2EmergencyWithdraw) if err := it.contract.UnpackLog(it.Event, it.event, log); err != nil { it.fail = err return false } it.Event.Raw = log return true case err := <-it.sub.Err(): it.done = true it.fail = err return it.Next() } } // Error returns any retrieval or parsing error occurred during filtering. func (it *MasterChefv2EmergencyWithdrawIterator) Error() error { return it.fail } // Close terminates the iteration process, releasing any pending underlying // resources. func (it *MasterChefv2EmergencyWithdrawIterator) Close() error { it.sub.Unsubscribe() return nil } // MasterChefv2EmergencyWithdraw represents a EmergencyWithdraw event raised by the MasterChefv2 contract. type MasterChefv2EmergencyWithdraw struct { User common.Address Pid *big.Int Amount *big.Int Raw types.Log // Blockchain specific contextual infos } // FilterEmergencyWithdraw is a free log retrieval operation binding the contract event 0xbb757047c2b5f3974fe26b7c10f732e7bce710b0952a71082702781e62ae0595. // // Solidity: event EmergencyWithdraw(address indexed user, uint256 indexed pid, uint256 amount) func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2Filterer) FilterEmergencyWithdraw(opts *bind.FilterOpts, user []common.Address, pid []*big.Int) (*MasterChefv2EmergencyWithdrawIterator, error) { var userRule []interface{} for _, userItem := range user { userRule = append(userRule, userItem) } var pidRule []interface{} for _, pidItem := range pid { pidRule = append(pidRule, pidItem) } logs, sub, err := _MasterChefv2.contract.FilterLogs(opts, "EmergencyWithdraw", userRule, pidRule) if err != nil { return nil, err } return &MasterChefv2EmergencyWithdrawIterator{contract: _MasterChefv2.contract, event: "EmergencyWithdraw", logs: logs, sub: sub}, nil } // WatchEmergencyWithdraw is a free log subscription operation binding the contract event 0xbb757047c2b5f3974fe26b7c10f732e7bce710b0952a71082702781e62ae0595. // // Solidity: event EmergencyWithdraw(address indexed user, uint256 indexed pid, uint256 amount) func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2Filterer) WatchEmergencyWithdraw(opts *bind.WatchOpts, sink chan<- *MasterChefv2EmergencyWithdraw, user []common.Address, pid []*big.Int) (event.Subscription, error) { var userRule []interface{} for _, userItem := range user { userRule = append(userRule, userItem) } var pidRule []interface{} for _, pidItem := range pid { pidRule = append(pidRule, pidItem) } logs, sub, err := _MasterChefv2.contract.WatchLogs(opts, "EmergencyWithdraw", userRule, pidRule) if err != nil { return nil, err } return event.NewSubscription(func(quit <-chan struct{}) error { defer sub.Unsubscribe() for { select { case log := <-logs: // New log arrived, parse the event and forward to the user event := new(MasterChefv2EmergencyWithdraw) if err := _MasterChefv2.contract.UnpackLog(event, "EmergencyWithdraw", log); err != nil { return err } event.Raw = log select { case sink <- event: case err := <-sub.Err(): return err case <-quit: return nil } case err := <-sub.Err(): return err case <-quit: return nil } } }), nil } // ParseEmergencyWithdraw is a log parse operation binding the contract event 0xbb757047c2b5f3974fe26b7c10f732e7bce710b0952a71082702781e62ae0595. // // Solidity: event EmergencyWithdraw(address indexed user, uint256 indexed pid, uint256 amount) func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2Filterer) ParseEmergencyWithdraw(log types.Log) (*MasterChefv2EmergencyWithdraw, error) { event := new(MasterChefv2EmergencyWithdraw) if err := _MasterChefv2.contract.UnpackLog(event, "EmergencyWithdraw", log); err != nil { return nil, err } event.Raw = log return event, nil } // MasterChefv2HarvestIterator is returned from FilterHarvest and is used to iterate over the raw logs and unpacked data for Harvest events raised by the MasterChefv2 contract. type MasterChefv2HarvestIterator struct { Event *MasterChefv2Harvest // Event containing the contract specifics and raw log contract *bind.BoundContract // Generic contract to use for unpacking event data event string // Event name to use for unpacking event data logs chan types.Log // Log channel receiving the found contract events sub ethereum.Subscription // Subscription for errors, completion and termination done bool // Whether the subscription completed delivering logs fail error // Occurred error to stop iteration } // Next advances the iterator to the subsequent event, returning whether there // are any more events found. In case of a retrieval or parsing error, false is // returned and Error() can be queried for the exact failure. func (it *MasterChefv2HarvestIterator) Next() bool { // If the iterator failed, stop iterating if it.fail != nil { return false } // If the iterator completed, deliver directly whatever's available if it.done { select { case log := <-it.logs: it.Event = new(MasterChefv2Harvest) if err := it.contract.UnpackLog(it.Event, it.event, log); err != nil { it.fail = err return false } it.Event.Raw = log return true default: return false } } // Iterator still in progress, wait for either a data or an error event select { case log := <-it.logs: it.Event = new(MasterChefv2Harvest) if err := it.contract.UnpackLog(it.Event, it.event, log); err != nil { it.fail = err return false } it.Event.Raw = log return true case err := <-it.sub.Err(): it.done = true it.fail = err return it.Next() } } // Error returns any retrieval or parsing error occurred during filtering. func (it *MasterChefv2HarvestIterator) Error() error { return it.fail } // Close terminates the iteration process, releasing any pending underlying // resources. func (it *MasterChefv2HarvestIterator) Close() error { it.sub.Unsubscribe() return nil } // MasterChefv2Harvest represents a Harvest event raised by the MasterChefv2 contract. type MasterChefv2Harvest struct { User common.Address Pid *big.Int Amount *big.Int Raw types.Log // Blockchain specific contextual infos } // FilterHarvest is a free log retrieval operation binding the contract event 0x71bab65ced2e5750775a0613be067df48ef06cf92a496ebf7663ae0660924954. // // Solidity: event Harvest(address indexed user, uint256 indexed pid, uint256 amount) func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2Filterer) FilterHarvest(opts *bind.FilterOpts, user []common.Address, pid []*big.Int) (*MasterChefv2HarvestIterator, error) { var userRule []interface{} for _, userItem := range user { userRule = append(userRule, userItem) } var pidRule []interface{} for _, pidItem := range pid { pidRule = append(pidRule, pidItem) } logs, sub, err := _MasterChefv2.contract.FilterLogs(opts, "Harvest", userRule, pidRule) if err != nil { return nil, err } return &MasterChefv2HarvestIterator{contract: _MasterChefv2.contract, event: "Harvest", logs: logs, sub: sub}, nil } // WatchHarvest is a free log subscription operation binding the contract event 0x71bab65ced2e5750775a0613be067df48ef06cf92a496ebf7663ae0660924954. // // Solidity: event Harvest(address indexed user, uint256 indexed pid, uint256 amount) func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2Filterer) WatchHarvest(opts *bind.WatchOpts, sink chan<- *MasterChefv2Harvest, user []common.Address, pid []*big.Int) (event.Subscription, error) { var userRule []interface{} for _, userItem := range user { userRule = append(userRule, userItem) } var pidRule []interface{} for _, pidItem := range pid { pidRule = append(pidRule, pidItem) } logs, sub, err := _MasterChefv2.contract.WatchLogs(opts, "Harvest", userRule, pidRule) if err != nil { return nil, err } return event.NewSubscription(func(quit <-chan struct{}) error { defer sub.Unsubscribe() for { select { case log := <-logs: // New log arrived, parse the event and forward to the user event := new(MasterChefv2Harvest) if err := _MasterChefv2.contract.UnpackLog(event, "Harvest", log); err != nil { return err } event.Raw = log select { case sink <- event: case err := <-sub.Err(): return err case <-quit: return nil } case err := <-sub.Err(): return err case <-quit: return nil } } }), nil } // ParseHarvest is a log parse operation binding the contract event 0x71bab65ced2e5750775a0613be067df48ef06cf92a496ebf7663ae0660924954. // // Solidity: event Harvest(address indexed user, uint256 indexed pid, uint256 amount) func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2Filterer) ParseHarvest(log types.Log) (*MasterChefv2Harvest, error) { event := new(MasterChefv2Harvest) if err := _MasterChefv2.contract.UnpackLog(event, "Harvest", log); err != nil { return nil, err } event.Raw = log return event, nil } // MasterChefv2HarvestAllIterator is returned from FilterHarvestAll and is used to iterate over the raw logs and unpacked data for HarvestAll events raised by the MasterChefv2 contract. type MasterChefv2HarvestAllIterator struct { Event *MasterChefv2HarvestAll // Event containing the contract specifics and raw log contract *bind.BoundContract // Generic contract to use for unpacking event data event string // Event name to use for unpacking event data logs chan types.Log // Log channel receiving the found contract events sub ethereum.Subscription // Subscription for errors, completion and termination done bool // Whether the subscription completed delivering logs fail error // Occurred error to stop iteration } // Next advances the iterator to the subsequent event, returning whether there // are any more events found. In case of a retrieval or parsing error, false is // returned and Error() can be queried for the exact failure. func (it *MasterChefv2HarvestAllIterator) Next() bool { // If the iterator failed, stop iterating if it.fail != nil { return false } // If the iterator completed, deliver directly whatever's available if it.done { select { case log := <-it.logs: it.Event = new(MasterChefv2HarvestAll) if err := it.contract.UnpackLog(it.Event, it.event, log); err != nil { it.fail = err return false } it.Event.Raw = log return true default: return false } } // Iterator still in progress, wait for either a data or an error event select { case log := <-it.logs: it.Event = new(MasterChefv2HarvestAll) if err := it.contract.UnpackLog(it.Event, it.event, log); err != nil { it.fail = err return false } it.Event.Raw = log return true case err := <-it.sub.Err(): it.done = true it.fail = err return it.Next() } } // Error returns any retrieval or parsing error occurred during filtering. func (it *MasterChefv2HarvestAllIterator) Error() error { return it.fail } // Close terminates the iteration process, releasing any pending underlying // resources. func (it *MasterChefv2HarvestAllIterator) Close() error { it.sub.Unsubscribe() return nil } // MasterChefv2HarvestAll represents a HarvestAll event raised by the MasterChefv2 contract. type MasterChefv2HarvestAll struct { User common.Address Amount *big.Int Raw types.Log // Blockchain specific contextual infos } // FilterHarvestAll is a free log retrieval operation binding the contract event 0xb99be208a056eff82108fe5a30bcc952d8d8e29c06a5c16918d61a14da8f7a46. // // Solidity: event HarvestAll(address indexed user, uint256 amount) func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2Filterer) FilterHarvestAll(opts *bind.FilterOpts, user []common.Address) (*MasterChefv2HarvestAllIterator, error) { var userRule []interface{} for _, userItem := range user { userRule = append(userRule, userItem) } logs, sub, err := _MasterChefv2.contract.FilterLogs(opts, "HarvestAll", userRule) if err != nil { return nil, err } return &MasterChefv2HarvestAllIterator{contract: _MasterChefv2.contract, event: "HarvestAll", logs: logs, sub: sub}, nil } // WatchHarvestAll is a free log subscription operation binding the contract event 0xb99be208a056eff82108fe5a30bcc952d8d8e29c06a5c16918d61a14da8f7a46. // // Solidity: event HarvestAll(address indexed user, uint256 amount) func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2Filterer) WatchHarvestAll(opts *bind.WatchOpts, sink chan<- *MasterChefv2HarvestAll, user []common.Address) (event.Subscription, error) { var userRule []interface{} for _, userItem := range user { userRule = append(userRule, userItem) } logs, sub, err := _MasterChefv2.contract.WatchLogs(opts, "HarvestAll", userRule) if err != nil { return nil, err } return event.NewSubscription(func(quit <-chan struct{}) error { defer sub.Unsubscribe() for { select { case log := <-logs: // New log arrived, parse the event and forward to the user event := new(MasterChefv2HarvestAll) if err := _MasterChefv2.contract.UnpackLog(event, "HarvestAll", log); err != nil { return err } event.Raw = log select { case sink <- event: case err := <-sub.Err(): return err case <-quit: return nil } case err := <-sub.Err(): return err case <-quit: return nil } } }), nil } // ParseHarvestAll is a log parse operation binding the contract event 0xb99be208a056eff82108fe5a30bcc952d8d8e29c06a5c16918d61a14da8f7a46. // // Solidity: event HarvestAll(address indexed user, uint256 amount) func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2Filterer) ParseHarvestAll(log types.Log) (*MasterChefv2HarvestAll, error) { event := new(MasterChefv2HarvestAll) if err := _MasterChefv2.contract.UnpackLog(event, "HarvestAll", log); err != nil { return nil, err } event.Raw = log return event, nil } // MasterChefv2HarvestMultipleIterator is returned from FilterHarvestMultiple and is used to iterate over the raw logs and unpacked data for HarvestMultiple events raised by the MasterChefv2 contract. type MasterChefv2HarvestMultipleIterator struct { Event *MasterChefv2HarvestMultiple // Event containing the contract specifics and raw log contract *bind.BoundContract // Generic contract to use for unpacking event data event string // Event name to use for unpacking event data logs chan types.Log // Log channel receiving the found contract events sub ethereum.Subscription // Subscription for errors, completion and termination done bool // Whether the subscription completed delivering logs fail error // Occurred error to stop iteration } // Next advances the iterator to the subsequent event, returning whether there // are any more events found. In case of a retrieval or parsing error, false is // returned and Error() can be queried for the exact failure. func (it *MasterChefv2HarvestMultipleIterator) Next() bool { // If the iterator failed, stop iterating if it.fail != nil { return false } // If the iterator completed, deliver directly whatever's available if it.done { select { case log := <-it.logs: it.Event = new(MasterChefv2HarvestMultiple) if err := it.contract.UnpackLog(it.Event, it.event, log); err != nil { it.fail = err return false } it.Event.Raw = log return true default: return false } } // Iterator still in progress, wait for either a data or an error event select { case log := <-it.logs: it.Event = new(MasterChefv2HarvestMultiple) if err := it.contract.UnpackLog(it.Event, it.event, log); err != nil { it.fail = err return false } it.Event.Raw = log return true case err := <-it.sub.Err(): it.done = true it.fail = err return it.Next() } } // Error returns any retrieval or parsing error occurred during filtering. func (it *MasterChefv2HarvestMultipleIterator) Error() error { return it.fail } // Close terminates the iteration process, releasing any pending underlying // resources. func (it *MasterChefv2HarvestMultipleIterator) Close() error { it.sub.Unsubscribe() return nil } // MasterChefv2HarvestMultiple represents a HarvestMultiple event raised by the MasterChefv2 contract. type MasterChefv2HarvestMultiple struct { User common.Address Pids []*big.Int Amount *big.Int Raw types.Log // Blockchain specific contextual infos } // FilterHarvestMultiple is a free log retrieval operation binding the contract event 0x112209c50e183ea8b99608876ddc6f45b4abe3d7ae3ed1b3c79c23f855d6a352. // // Solidity: event HarvestMultiple(address indexed user, uint256[] _pids, uint256 amount) func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2Filterer) FilterHarvestMultiple(opts *bind.FilterOpts, user []common.Address) (*MasterChefv2HarvestMultipleIterator, error) { var userRule []interface{} for _, userItem := range user { userRule = append(userRule, userItem) } logs, sub, err := _MasterChefv2.contract.FilterLogs(opts, "HarvestMultiple", userRule) if err != nil { return nil, err } return &MasterChefv2HarvestMultipleIterator{contract: _MasterChefv2.contract, event: "HarvestMultiple", logs: logs, sub: sub}, nil } // WatchHarvestMultiple is a free log subscription operation binding the contract event 0x112209c50e183ea8b99608876ddc6f45b4abe3d7ae3ed1b3c79c23f855d6a352. // // Solidity: event HarvestMultiple(address indexed user, uint256[] _pids, uint256 amount) func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2Filterer) WatchHarvestMultiple(opts *bind.WatchOpts, sink chan<- *MasterChefv2HarvestMultiple, user []common.Address) (event.Subscription, error) { var userRule []interface{} for _, userItem := range user { userRule = append(userRule, userItem) } logs, sub, err := _MasterChefv2.contract.WatchLogs(opts, "HarvestMultiple", userRule) if err != nil { return nil, err } return event.NewSubscription(func(quit <-chan struct{}) error { defer sub.Unsubscribe() for { select { case log := <-logs: // New log arrived, parse the event and forward to the user event := new(MasterChefv2HarvestMultiple) if err := _MasterChefv2.contract.UnpackLog(event, "HarvestMultiple", log); err != nil { return err } event.Raw = log select { case sink <- event: case err := <-sub.Err(): return err case <-quit: return nil } case err := <-sub.Err(): return err case <-quit: return nil } } }), nil } // ParseHarvestMultiple is a log parse operation binding the contract event 0x112209c50e183ea8b99608876ddc6f45b4abe3d7ae3ed1b3c79c23f855d6a352. // // Solidity: event HarvestMultiple(address indexed user, uint256[] _pids, uint256 amount) func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2Filterer) ParseHarvestMultiple(log types.Log) (*MasterChefv2HarvestMultiple, error) { event := new(MasterChefv2HarvestMultiple) if err := _MasterChefv2.contract.UnpackLog(event, "HarvestMultiple", log); err != nil { return nil, err } event.Raw = log return event, nil } // MasterChefv2OwnershipTransferredIterator is returned from FilterOwnershipTransferred and is used to iterate over the raw logs and unpacked data for OwnershipTransferred events raised by the MasterChefv2 contract. type MasterChefv2OwnershipTransferredIterator struct { Event *MasterChefv2OwnershipTransferred // Event containing the contract specifics and raw log contract *bind.BoundContract // Generic contract to use for unpacking event data event string // Event name to use for unpacking event data logs chan types.Log // Log channel receiving the found contract events sub ethereum.Subscription // Subscription for errors, completion and termination done bool // Whether the subscription completed delivering logs fail error // Occurred error to stop iteration } // Next advances the iterator to the subsequent event, returning whether there // are any more events found. In case of a retrieval or parsing error, false is // returned and Error() can be queried for the exact failure. func (it *MasterChefv2OwnershipTransferredIterator) Next() bool { // If the iterator failed, stop iterating if it.fail != nil { return false } // If the iterator completed, deliver directly whatever's available if it.done { select { case log := <-it.logs: it.Event = new(MasterChefv2OwnershipTransferred) if err := it.contract.UnpackLog(it.Event, it.event, log); err != nil { it.fail = err return false } it.Event.Raw = log return true default: return false } } // Iterator still in progress, wait for either a data or an error event select { case log := <-it.logs: it.Event = new(MasterChefv2OwnershipTransferred) if err := it.contract.UnpackLog(it.Event, it.event, log); err != nil { it.fail = err return false } it.Event.Raw = log return true case err := <-it.sub.Err(): it.done = true it.fail = err return it.Next() } } // Error returns any retrieval or parsing error occurred during filtering. func (it *MasterChefv2OwnershipTransferredIterator) Error() error { return it.fail } // Close terminates the iteration process, releasing any pending underlying // resources. func (it *MasterChefv2OwnershipTransferredIterator) Close() error { it.sub.Unsubscribe() return nil } // MasterChefv2OwnershipTransferred represents a OwnershipTransferred event raised by the MasterChefv2 contract. type MasterChefv2OwnershipTransferred struct { PreviousOwner common.Address NewOwner common.Address Raw types.Log // Blockchain specific contextual infos } // FilterOwnershipTransferred is a free log retrieval operation binding the contract event 0x8be0079c531659141344cd1fd0a4f28419497f9722a3daafe3b4186f6b6457e0. // // Solidity: event OwnershipTransferred(address indexed previousOwner, address indexed newOwner) func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2Filterer) FilterOwnershipTransferred(opts *bind.FilterOpts, previousOwner []common.Address, newOwner []common.Address) (*MasterChefv2OwnershipTransferredIterator, error) { var previousOwnerRule []interface{} for _, previousOwnerItem := range previousOwner { previousOwnerRule = append(previousOwnerRule, previousOwnerItem) } var newOwnerRule []interface{} for _, newOwnerItem := range newOwner { newOwnerRule = append(newOwnerRule, newOwnerItem) } logs, sub, err := _MasterChefv2.contract.FilterLogs(opts, "OwnershipTransferred", previousOwnerRule, newOwnerRule) if err != nil { return nil, err } return &MasterChefv2OwnershipTransferredIterator{contract: _MasterChefv2.contract, event: "OwnershipTransferred", logs: logs, sub: sub}, nil } // WatchOwnershipTransferred is a free log subscription operation binding the contract event 0x8be0079c531659141344cd1fd0a4f28419497f9722a3daafe3b4186f6b6457e0. // // Solidity: event OwnershipTransferred(address indexed previousOwner, address indexed newOwner) func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2Filterer) WatchOwnershipTransferred(opts *bind.WatchOpts, sink chan<- *MasterChefv2OwnershipTransferred, previousOwner []common.Address, newOwner []common.Address) (event.Subscription, error) { var previousOwnerRule []interface{} for _, previousOwnerItem := range previousOwner { previousOwnerRule = append(previousOwnerRule, previousOwnerItem) } var newOwnerRule []interface{} for _, newOwnerItem := range newOwner { newOwnerRule = append(newOwnerRule, newOwnerItem) } logs, sub, err := _MasterChefv2.contract.WatchLogs(opts, "OwnershipTransferred", previousOwnerRule, newOwnerRule) if err != nil { return nil, err } return event.NewSubscription(func(quit <-chan struct{}) error { defer sub.Unsubscribe() for { select { case log := <-logs: // New log arrived, parse the event and forward to the user event := new(MasterChefv2OwnershipTransferred) if err := _MasterChefv2.contract.UnpackLog(event, "OwnershipTransferred", log); err != nil { return err } event.Raw = log select { case sink <- event: case err := <-sub.Err(): return err case <-quit: return nil } case err := <-sub.Err(): return err case <-quit: return nil } } }), nil } // ParseOwnershipTransferred is a log parse operation binding the contract event 0x8be0079c531659141344cd1fd0a4f28419497f9722a3daafe3b4186f6b6457e0. // // Solidity: event OwnershipTransferred(address indexed previousOwner, address indexed newOwner) func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2Filterer) ParseOwnershipTransferred(log types.Log) (*MasterChefv2OwnershipTransferred, error) { event := new(MasterChefv2OwnershipTransferred) if err := _MasterChefv2.contract.UnpackLog(event, "OwnershipTransferred", log); err != nil { return nil, err } event.Raw = log return event, nil } // MasterChefv2SetIterator is returned from FilterSet and is used to iterate over the raw logs and unpacked data for Set events raised by the MasterChefv2 contract. type MasterChefv2SetIterator struct { Event *MasterChefv2Set // Event containing the contract specifics and raw log contract *bind.BoundContract // Generic contract to use for unpacking event data event string // Event name to use for unpacking event data logs chan types.Log // Log channel receiving the found contract events sub ethereum.Subscription // Subscription for errors, completion and termination done bool // Whether the subscription completed delivering logs fail error // Occurred error to stop iteration } // Next advances the iterator to the subsequent event, returning whether there // are any more events found. In case of a retrieval or parsing error, false is // returned and Error() can be queried for the exact failure. func (it *MasterChefv2SetIterator) Next() bool { // If the iterator failed, stop iterating if it.fail != nil { return false } // If the iterator completed, deliver directly whatever's available if it.done { select { case log := <-it.logs: it.Event = new(MasterChefv2Set) if err := it.contract.UnpackLog(it.Event, it.event, log); err != nil { it.fail = err return false } it.Event.Raw = log return true default: return false } } // Iterator still in progress, wait for either a data or an error event select { case log := <-it.logs: it.Event = new(MasterChefv2Set) if err := it.contract.UnpackLog(it.Event, it.event, log); err != nil { it.fail = err return false } it.Event.Raw = log return true case err := <-it.sub.Err(): it.done = true it.fail = err return it.Next() } } // Error returns any retrieval or parsing error occurred during filtering. func (it *MasterChefv2SetIterator) Error() error { return it.fail } // Close terminates the iteration process, releasing any pending underlying // resources. func (it *MasterChefv2SetIterator) Close() error { it.sub.Unsubscribe() return nil } // MasterChefv2Set represents a Set event raised by the MasterChefv2 contract. type MasterChefv2Set struct { User common.Address Pid *big.Int AllocPoint *big.Int Raw types.Log // Blockchain specific contextual infos } // FilterSet is a free log retrieval operation binding the contract event 0x9eca8f7bcfb868d72b4ed95b71c627c194ab6bcb9b83adb2280e8a0320bb8476. // // Solidity: event Set(address indexed user, uint256 pid, uint256 allocPoint) func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2Filterer) FilterSet(opts *bind.FilterOpts, user []common.Address) (*MasterChefv2SetIterator, error) { var userRule []interface{} for _, userItem := range user { userRule = append(userRule, userItem) } logs, sub, err := _MasterChefv2.contract.FilterLogs(opts, "Set", userRule) if err != nil { return nil, err } return &MasterChefv2SetIterator{contract: _MasterChefv2.contract, event: "Set", logs: logs, sub: sub}, nil } // WatchSet is a free log subscription operation binding the contract event 0x9eca8f7bcfb868d72b4ed95b71c627c194ab6bcb9b83adb2280e8a0320bb8476. // // Solidity: event Set(address indexed user, uint256 pid, uint256 allocPoint) func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2Filterer) WatchSet(opts *bind.WatchOpts, sink chan<- *MasterChefv2Set, user []common.Address) (event.Subscription, error) { var userRule []interface{} for _, userItem := range user { userRule = append(userRule, userItem) } logs, sub, err := _MasterChefv2.contract.WatchLogs(opts, "Set", userRule) if err != nil { return nil, err } return event.NewSubscription(func(quit <-chan struct{}) error { defer sub.Unsubscribe() for { select { case log := <-logs: // New log arrived, parse the event and forward to the user event := new(MasterChefv2Set) if err := _MasterChefv2.contract.UnpackLog(event, "Set", log); err != nil { return err } event.Raw = log select { case sink <- event: case err := <-sub.Err(): return err case <-quit: return nil } case err := <-sub.Err(): return err case <-quit: return nil } } }), nil } // ParseSet is a log parse operation binding the contract event 0x9eca8f7bcfb868d72b4ed95b71c627c194ab6bcb9b83adb2280e8a0320bb8476. // // Solidity: event Set(address indexed user, uint256 pid, uint256 allocPoint) func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2Filterer) ParseSet(log types.Log) (*MasterChefv2Set, error) { event := new(MasterChefv2Set) if err := _MasterChefv2.contract.UnpackLog(event, "Set", log); err != nil { return nil, err } event.Raw = log return event, nil } // MasterChefv2SetDevAddressIterator is returned from FilterSetDevAddress and is used to iterate over the raw logs and unpacked data for SetDevAddress events raised by the MasterChefv2 contract. type MasterChefv2SetDevAddressIterator struct { Event *MasterChefv2SetDevAddress // Event containing the contract specifics and raw log contract *bind.BoundContract // Generic contract to use for unpacking event data event string // Event name to use for unpacking event data logs chan types.Log // Log channel receiving the found contract events sub ethereum.Subscription // Subscription for errors, completion and termination done bool // Whether the subscription completed delivering logs fail error // Occurred error to stop iteration } // Next advances the iterator to the subsequent event, returning whether there // are any more events found. In case of a retrieval or parsing error, false is // returned and Error() can be queried for the exact failure. func (it *MasterChefv2SetDevAddressIterator) Next() bool { // If the iterator failed, stop iterating if it.fail != nil { return false } // If the iterator completed, deliver directly whatever's available if it.done { select { case log := <-it.logs: it.Event = new(MasterChefv2SetDevAddress) if err := it.contract.UnpackLog(it.Event, it.event, log); err != nil { it.fail = err return false } it.Event.Raw = log return true default: return false } } // Iterator still in progress, wait for either a data or an error event select { case log := <-it.logs: it.Event = new(MasterChefv2SetDevAddress) if err := it.contract.UnpackLog(it.Event, it.event, log); err != nil { it.fail = err return false } it.Event.Raw = log return true case err := <-it.sub.Err(): it.done = true it.fail = err return it.Next() } } // Error returns any retrieval or parsing error occurred during filtering. func (it *MasterChefv2SetDevAddressIterator) Error() error { return it.fail } // Close terminates the iteration process, releasing any pending underlying // resources. func (it *MasterChefv2SetDevAddressIterator) Close() error { it.sub.Unsubscribe() return nil } // MasterChefv2SetDevAddress represents a SetDevAddress event raised by the MasterChefv2 contract. type MasterChefv2SetDevAddress struct { User common.Address NewAddress common.Address Raw types.Log // Blockchain specific contextual infos } // FilterSetDevAddress is a free log retrieval operation binding the contract event 0x618c54559e94f1499a808aad71ee8729f8e74e8c48e979616328ce493a1a52e7. // // Solidity: event SetDevAddress(address indexed user, address indexed newAddress) func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2Filterer) FilterSetDevAddress(opts *bind.FilterOpts, user []common.Address, newAddress []common.Address) (*MasterChefv2SetDevAddressIterator, error) { var userRule []interface{} for _, userItem := range user { userRule = append(userRule, userItem) } var newAddressRule []interface{} for _, newAddressItem := range newAddress { newAddressRule = append(newAddressRule, newAddressItem) } logs, sub, err := _MasterChefv2.contract.FilterLogs(opts, "SetDevAddress", userRule, newAddressRule) if err != nil { return nil, err } return &MasterChefv2SetDevAddressIterator{contract: _MasterChefv2.contract, event: "SetDevAddress", logs: logs, sub: sub}, nil } // WatchSetDevAddress is a free log subscription operation binding the contract event 0x618c54559e94f1499a808aad71ee8729f8e74e8c48e979616328ce493a1a52e7. // // Solidity: event SetDevAddress(address indexed user, address indexed newAddress) func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2Filterer) WatchSetDevAddress(opts *bind.WatchOpts, sink chan<- *MasterChefv2SetDevAddress, user []common.Address, newAddress []common.Address) (event.Subscription, error) { var userRule []interface{} for _, userItem := range user { userRule = append(userRule, userItem) } var newAddressRule []interface{} for _, newAddressItem := range newAddress { newAddressRule = append(newAddressRule, newAddressItem) } logs, sub, err := _MasterChefv2.contract.WatchLogs(opts, "SetDevAddress", userRule, newAddressRule) if err != nil { return nil, err } return event.NewSubscription(func(quit <-chan struct{}) error { defer sub.Unsubscribe() for { select { case log := <-logs: // New log arrived, parse the event and forward to the user event := new(MasterChefv2SetDevAddress) if err := _MasterChefv2.contract.UnpackLog(event, "SetDevAddress", log); err != nil { return err } event.Raw = log select { case sink <- event: case err := <-sub.Err(): return err case <-quit: return nil } case err := <-sub.Err(): return err case <-quit: return nil } } }), nil } // ParseSetDevAddress is a log parse operation binding the contract event 0x618c54559e94f1499a808aad71ee8729f8e74e8c48e979616328ce493a1a52e7. // // Solidity: event SetDevAddress(address indexed user, address indexed newAddress) func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2Filterer) ParseSetDevAddress(log types.Log) (*MasterChefv2SetDevAddress, error) { event := new(MasterChefv2SetDevAddress) if err := _MasterChefv2.contract.UnpackLog(event, "SetDevAddress", log); err != nil { return nil, err } event.Raw = log return event, nil } // MasterChefv2SetPawTransferOwnerIterator is returned from FilterSetPawTransferOwner and is used to iterate over the raw logs and unpacked data for SetPawTransferOwner events raised by the MasterChefv2 contract. type MasterChefv2SetPawTransferOwnerIterator struct { Event *MasterChefv2SetPawTransferOwner // Event containing the contract specifics and raw log contract *bind.BoundContract // Generic contract to use for unpacking event data event string // Event name to use for unpacking event data logs chan types.Log // Log channel receiving the found contract events sub ethereum.Subscription // Subscription for errors, completion and termination done bool // Whether the subscription completed delivering logs fail error // Occurred error to stop iteration } // Next advances the iterator to the subsequent event, returning whether there // are any more events found. In case of a retrieval or parsing error, false is // returned and Error() can be queried for the exact failure. func (it *MasterChefv2SetPawTransferOwnerIterator) Next() bool { // If the iterator failed, stop iterating if it.fail != nil { return false } // If the iterator completed, deliver directly whatever's available if it.done { select { case log := <-it.logs: it.Event = new(MasterChefv2SetPawTransferOwner) if err := it.contract.UnpackLog(it.Event, it.event, log); err != nil { it.fail = err return false } it.Event.Raw = log return true default: return false } } // Iterator still in progress, wait for either a data or an error event select { case log := <-it.logs: it.Event = new(MasterChefv2SetPawTransferOwner) if err := it.contract.UnpackLog(it.Event, it.event, log); err != nil { it.fail = err return false } it.Event.Raw = log return true case err := <-it.sub.Err(): it.done = true it.fail = err return it.Next() } } // Error returns any retrieval or parsing error occurred during filtering. func (it *MasterChefv2SetPawTransferOwnerIterator) Error() error { return it.fail } // Close terminates the iteration process, releasing any pending underlying // resources. func (it *MasterChefv2SetPawTransferOwnerIterator) Close() error { it.sub.Unsubscribe() return nil } // MasterChefv2SetPawTransferOwner represents a SetPawTransferOwner event raised by the MasterChefv2 contract. type MasterChefv2SetPawTransferOwner struct { User common.Address PawTransferOwner common.Address Raw types.Log // Blockchain specific contextual infos } // FilterSetPawTransferOwner is a free log retrieval operation binding the contract event 0x6923fdade0c8bfd1a00326632b7dbeb58e8275f6254c27e632b5d8b5664926ac. // // Solidity: event SetPawTransferOwner(address indexed user, address indexed pawTransferOwner) func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2Filterer) FilterSetPawTransferOwner(opts *bind.FilterOpts, user []common.Address, pawTransferOwner []common.Address) (*MasterChefv2SetPawTransferOwnerIterator, error) { var userRule []interface{} for _, userItem := range user { userRule = append(userRule, userItem) } var pawTransferOwnerRule []interface{} for _, pawTransferOwnerItem := range pawTransferOwner { pawTransferOwnerRule = append(pawTransferOwnerRule, pawTransferOwnerItem) } logs, sub, err := _MasterChefv2.contract.FilterLogs(opts, "SetPawTransferOwner", userRule, pawTransferOwnerRule) if err != nil { return nil, err } return &MasterChefv2SetPawTransferOwnerIterator{contract: _MasterChefv2.contract, event: "SetPawTransferOwner", logs: logs, sub: sub}, nil } // WatchSetPawTransferOwner is a free log subscription operation binding the contract event 0x6923fdade0c8bfd1a00326632b7dbeb58e8275f6254c27e632b5d8b5664926ac. // // Solidity: event SetPawTransferOwner(address indexed user, address indexed pawTransferOwner) func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2Filterer) WatchSetPawTransferOwner(opts *bind.WatchOpts, sink chan<- *MasterChefv2SetPawTransferOwner, user []common.Address, pawTransferOwner []common.Address) (event.Subscription, error) { var userRule []interface{} for _, userItem := range user { userRule = append(userRule, userItem) } var pawTransferOwnerRule []interface{} for _, pawTransferOwnerItem := range pawTransferOwner { pawTransferOwnerRule = append(pawTransferOwnerRule, pawTransferOwnerItem) } logs, sub, err := _MasterChefv2.contract.WatchLogs(opts, "SetPawTransferOwner", userRule, pawTransferOwnerRule) if err != nil { return nil, err } return event.NewSubscription(func(quit <-chan struct{}) error { defer sub.Unsubscribe() for { select { case log := <-logs: // New log arrived, parse the event and forward to the user event := new(MasterChefv2SetPawTransferOwner) if err := _MasterChefv2.contract.UnpackLog(event, "SetPawTransferOwner", log); err != nil { return err } event.Raw = log select { case sink <- event: case err := <-sub.Err(): return err case <-quit: return nil } case err := <-sub.Err(): return err case <-quit: return nil } } }), nil } // ParseSetPawTransferOwner is a log parse operation binding the contract event 0x6923fdade0c8bfd1a00326632b7dbeb58e8275f6254c27e632b5d8b5664926ac. // // Solidity: event SetPawTransferOwner(address indexed user, address indexed pawTransferOwner) func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2Filterer) ParseSetPawTransferOwner(log types.Log) (*MasterChefv2SetPawTransferOwner, error) { event := new(MasterChefv2SetPawTransferOwner) if err := _MasterChefv2.contract.UnpackLog(event, "SetPawTransferOwner", log); err != nil { return nil, err } event.Raw = log return event, nil } // MasterChefv2TransferPawOwnershipIterator is returned from FilterTransferPawOwnership and is used to iterate over the raw logs and unpacked data for TransferPawOwnership events raised by the MasterChefv2 contract. type MasterChefv2TransferPawOwnershipIterator struct { Event *MasterChefv2TransferPawOwnership // Event containing the contract specifics and raw log contract *bind.BoundContract // Generic contract to use for unpacking event data event string // Event name to use for unpacking event data logs chan types.Log // Log channel receiving the found contract events sub ethereum.Subscription // Subscription for errors, completion and termination done bool // Whether the subscription completed delivering logs fail error // Occurred error to stop iteration } // Next advances the iterator to the subsequent event, returning whether there // are any more events found. In case of a retrieval or parsing error, false is // returned and Error() can be queried for the exact failure. func (it *MasterChefv2TransferPawOwnershipIterator) Next() bool { // If the iterator failed, stop iterating if it.fail != nil { return false } // If the iterator completed, deliver directly whatever's available if it.done { select { case log := <-it.logs: it.Event = new(MasterChefv2TransferPawOwnership) if err := it.contract.UnpackLog(it.Event, it.event, log); err != nil { it.fail = err return false } it.Event.Raw = log return true default: return false } } // Iterator still in progress, wait for either a data or an error event select { case log := <-it.logs: it.Event = new(MasterChefv2TransferPawOwnership) if err := it.contract.UnpackLog(it.Event, it.event, log); err != nil { it.fail = err return false } it.Event.Raw = log return true case err := <-it.sub.Err(): it.done = true it.fail = err return it.Next() } } // Error returns any retrieval or parsing error occurred during filtering. func (it *MasterChefv2TransferPawOwnershipIterator) Error() error { return it.fail } // Close terminates the iteration process, releasing any pending underlying // resources. func (it *MasterChefv2TransferPawOwnershipIterator) Close() error { it.sub.Unsubscribe() return nil } // MasterChefv2TransferPawOwnership represents a TransferPawOwnership event raised by the MasterChefv2 contract. type MasterChefv2TransferPawOwnership struct { User common.Address NewOwner common.Address Raw types.Log // Blockchain specific contextual infos } // FilterTransferPawOwnership is a free log retrieval operation binding the contract event 0x95f576ca0d78332f26c87a49af9a697d3cb1565d0f3621d8312d6dd3b80de8da. // // Solidity: event TransferPawOwnership(address indexed user, address indexed newOwner) func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2Filterer) FilterTransferPawOwnership(opts *bind.FilterOpts, user []common.Address, newOwner []common.Address) (*MasterChefv2TransferPawOwnershipIterator, error) { var userRule []interface{} for _, userItem := range user { userRule = append(userRule, userItem) } var newOwnerRule []interface{} for _, newOwnerItem := range newOwner { newOwnerRule = append(newOwnerRule, newOwnerItem) } logs, sub, err := _MasterChefv2.contract.FilterLogs(opts, "TransferPawOwnership", userRule, newOwnerRule) if err != nil { return nil, err } return &MasterChefv2TransferPawOwnershipIterator{contract: _MasterChefv2.contract, event: "TransferPawOwnership", logs: logs, sub: sub}, nil } // WatchTransferPawOwnership is a free log subscription operation binding the contract event 0x95f576ca0d78332f26c87a49af9a697d3cb1565d0f3621d8312d6dd3b80de8da. // // Solidity: event TransferPawOwnership(address indexed user, address indexed newOwner) func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2Filterer) WatchTransferPawOwnership(opts *bind.WatchOpts, sink chan<- *MasterChefv2TransferPawOwnership, user []common.Address, newOwner []common.Address) (event.Subscription, error) { var userRule []interface{} for _, userItem := range user { userRule = append(userRule, userItem) } var newOwnerRule []interface{} for _, newOwnerItem := range newOwner { newOwnerRule = append(newOwnerRule, newOwnerItem) } logs, sub, err := _MasterChefv2.contract.WatchLogs(opts, "TransferPawOwnership", userRule, newOwnerRule) if err != nil { return nil, err } return event.NewSubscription(func(quit <-chan struct{}) error { defer sub.Unsubscribe() for { select { case log := <-logs: // New log arrived, parse the event and forward to the user event := new(MasterChefv2TransferPawOwnership) if err := _MasterChefv2.contract.UnpackLog(event, "TransferPawOwnership", log); err != nil { return err } event.Raw = log select { case sink <- event: case err := <-sub.Err(): return err case <-quit: return nil } case err := <-sub.Err(): return err case <-quit: return nil } } }), nil } // ParseTransferPawOwnership is a log parse operation binding the contract event 0x95f576ca0d78332f26c87a49af9a697d3cb1565d0f3621d8312d6dd3b80de8da. // // Solidity: event TransferPawOwnership(address indexed user, address indexed newOwner) func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2Filterer) ParseTransferPawOwnership(log types.Log) (*MasterChefv2TransferPawOwnership, error) { event := new(MasterChefv2TransferPawOwnership) if err := _MasterChefv2.contract.UnpackLog(event, "TransferPawOwnership", log); err != nil { return nil, err } event.Raw = log return event, nil } // MasterChefv2UpdateEmissionRateIterator is returned from FilterUpdateEmissionRate and is used to iterate over the raw logs and unpacked data for UpdateEmissionRate events raised by the MasterChefv2 contract. type MasterChefv2UpdateEmissionRateIterator struct { Event *MasterChefv2UpdateEmissionRate // Event containing the contract specifics and raw log contract *bind.BoundContract // Generic contract to use for unpacking event data event string // Event name to use for unpacking event data logs chan types.Log // Log channel receiving the found contract events sub ethereum.Subscription // Subscription for errors, completion and termination done bool // Whether the subscription completed delivering logs fail error // Occurred error to stop iteration } // Next advances the iterator to the subsequent event, returning whether there // are any more events found. In case of a retrieval or parsing error, false is // returned and Error() can be queried for the exact failure. func (it *MasterChefv2UpdateEmissionRateIterator) Next() bool { // If the iterator failed, stop iterating if it.fail != nil { return false } // If the iterator completed, deliver directly whatever's available if it.done { select { case log := <-it.logs: it.Event = new(MasterChefv2UpdateEmissionRate) if err := it.contract.UnpackLog(it.Event, it.event, log); err != nil { it.fail = err return false } it.Event.Raw = log return true default: return false } } // Iterator still in progress, wait for either a data or an error event select { case log := <-it.logs: it.Event = new(MasterChefv2UpdateEmissionRate) if err := it.contract.UnpackLog(it.Event, it.event, log); err != nil { it.fail = err return false } it.Event.Raw = log return true case err := <-it.sub.Err(): it.done = true it.fail = err return it.Next() } } // Error returns any retrieval or parsing error occurred during filtering. func (it *MasterChefv2UpdateEmissionRateIterator) Error() error { return it.fail } // Close terminates the iteration process, releasing any pending underlying // resources. func (it *MasterChefv2UpdateEmissionRateIterator) Close() error { it.sub.Unsubscribe() return nil } // MasterChefv2UpdateEmissionRate represents a UpdateEmissionRate event raised by the MasterChefv2 contract. type MasterChefv2UpdateEmissionRate struct { User common.Address PawPerBlock *big.Int Raw types.Log // Blockchain specific contextual infos } // FilterUpdateEmissionRate is a free log retrieval operation binding the contract event 0xe2492e003bbe8afa53088b406f0c1cb5d9e280370fc72a74cf116ffd343c4053. // // Solidity: event UpdateEmissionRate(address indexed user, uint256 pawPerBlock) func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2Filterer) FilterUpdateEmissionRate(opts *bind.FilterOpts, user []common.Address) (*MasterChefv2UpdateEmissionRateIterator, error) { var userRule []interface{} for _, userItem := range user { userRule = append(userRule, userItem) } logs, sub, err := _MasterChefv2.contract.FilterLogs(opts, "UpdateEmissionRate", userRule) if err != nil { return nil, err } return &MasterChefv2UpdateEmissionRateIterator{contract: _MasterChefv2.contract, event: "UpdateEmissionRate", logs: logs, sub: sub}, nil } // WatchUpdateEmissionRate is a free log subscription operation binding the contract event 0xe2492e003bbe8afa53088b406f0c1cb5d9e280370fc72a74cf116ffd343c4053. // // Solidity: event UpdateEmissionRate(address indexed user, uint256 pawPerBlock) func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2Filterer) WatchUpdateEmissionRate(opts *bind.WatchOpts, sink chan<- *MasterChefv2UpdateEmissionRate, user []common.Address) (event.Subscription, error) { var userRule []interface{} for _, userItem := range user { userRule = append(userRule, userItem) } logs, sub, err := _MasterChefv2.contract.WatchLogs(opts, "UpdateEmissionRate", userRule) if err != nil { return nil, err } return event.NewSubscription(func(quit <-chan struct{}) error { defer sub.Unsubscribe() for { select { case log := <-logs: // New log arrived, parse the event and forward to the user event := new(MasterChefv2UpdateEmissionRate) if err := _MasterChefv2.contract.UnpackLog(event, "UpdateEmissionRate", log); err != nil { return err } event.Raw = log select { case sink <- event: case err := <-sub.Err(): return err case <-quit: return nil } case err := <-sub.Err(): return err case <-quit: return nil } } }), nil } // ParseUpdateEmissionRate is a log parse operation binding the contract event 0xe2492e003bbe8afa53088b406f0c1cb5d9e280370fc72a74cf116ffd343c4053. // // Solidity: event UpdateEmissionRate(address indexed user, uint256 pawPerBlock) func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2Filterer) ParseUpdateEmissionRate(log types.Log) (*MasterChefv2UpdateEmissionRate, error) { event := new(MasterChefv2UpdateEmissionRate) if err := _MasterChefv2.contract.UnpackLog(event, "UpdateEmissionRate", log); err != nil { return nil, err } event.Raw = log return event, nil } // MasterChefv2WithdrawIterator is returned from FilterWithdraw and is used to iterate over the raw logs and unpacked data for Withdraw events raised by the MasterChefv2 contract. type MasterChefv2WithdrawIterator struct { Event *MasterChefv2Withdraw // Event containing the contract specifics and raw log contract *bind.BoundContract // Generic contract to use for unpacking event data event string // Event name to use for unpacking event data logs chan types.Log // Log channel receiving the found contract events sub ethereum.Subscription // Subscription for errors, completion and termination done bool // Whether the subscription completed delivering logs fail error // Occurred error to stop iteration } // Next advances the iterator to the subsequent event, returning whether there // are any more events found. In case of a retrieval or parsing error, false is // returned and Error() can be queried for the exact failure. func (it *MasterChefv2WithdrawIterator) Next() bool { // If the iterator failed, stop iterating if it.fail != nil { return false } // If the iterator completed, deliver directly whatever's available if it.done { select { case log := <-it.logs: it.Event = new(MasterChefv2Withdraw) if err := it.contract.UnpackLog(it.Event, it.event, log); err != nil { it.fail = err return false } it.Event.Raw = log return true default: return false } } // Iterator still in progress, wait for either a data or an error event select { case log := <-it.logs: it.Event = new(MasterChefv2Withdraw) if err := it.contract.UnpackLog(it.Event, it.event, log); err != nil { it.fail = err return false } it.Event.Raw = log return true case err := <-it.sub.Err(): it.done = true it.fail = err return it.Next() } } // Error returns any retrieval or parsing error occurred during filtering. func (it *MasterChefv2WithdrawIterator) Error() error { return it.fail } // Close terminates the iteration process, releasing any pending underlying // resources. func (it *MasterChefv2WithdrawIterator) Close() error { it.sub.Unsubscribe() return nil } // MasterChefv2Withdraw represents a Withdraw event raised by the MasterChefv2 contract. type MasterChefv2Withdraw struct { User common.Address Pid *big.Int Amount *big.Int Harvest bool Raw types.Log // Blockchain specific contextual infos } // FilterWithdraw is a free log retrieval operation binding the contract event 0xb97e775637eca8401af330efee0810af7079bafae27761741e09caa14db8d272. // // Solidity: event Withdraw(address indexed user, uint256 indexed pid, uint256 amount, bool harvest) func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2Filterer) FilterWithdraw(opts *bind.FilterOpts, user []common.Address, pid []*big.Int) (*MasterChefv2WithdrawIterator, error) { var userRule []interface{} for _, userItem := range user { userRule = append(userRule, userItem) } var pidRule []interface{} for _, pidItem := range pid { pidRule = append(pidRule, pidItem) } logs, sub, err := _MasterChefv2.contract.FilterLogs(opts, "Withdraw", userRule, pidRule) if err != nil { return nil, err } return &MasterChefv2WithdrawIterator{contract: _MasterChefv2.contract, event: "Withdraw", logs: logs, sub: sub}, nil } // WatchWithdraw is a free log subscription operation binding the contract event 0xb97e775637eca8401af330efee0810af7079bafae27761741e09caa14db8d272. // // Solidity: event Withdraw(address indexed user, uint256 indexed pid, uint256 amount, bool harvest) func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2Filterer) WatchWithdraw(opts *bind.WatchOpts, sink chan<- *MasterChefv2Withdraw, user []common.Address, pid []*big.Int) (event.Subscription, error) { var userRule []interface{} for _, userItem := range user { userRule = append(userRule, userItem) } var pidRule []interface{} for _, pidItem := range pid { pidRule = append(pidRule, pidItem) } logs, sub, err := _MasterChefv2.contract.WatchLogs(opts, "Withdraw", userRule, pidRule) if err != nil { return nil, err } return event.NewSubscription(func(quit <-chan struct{}) error { defer sub.Unsubscribe() for { select { case log := <-logs: // New log arrived, parse the event and forward to the user event := new(MasterChefv2Withdraw) if err := _MasterChefv2.contract.UnpackLog(event, "Withdraw", log); err != nil { return err } event.Raw = log select { case sink <- event: case err := <-sub.Err(): return err case <-quit: return nil } case err := <-sub.Err(): return err case <-quit: return nil } } }), nil } // ParseWithdraw is a log parse operation binding the contract event 0xb97e775637eca8401af330efee0810af7079bafae27761741e09caa14db8d272. // // Solidity: event Withdraw(address indexed user, uint256 indexed pid, uint256 amount, bool harvest) func (_MasterChefv2 *MasterChefv2Filterer) ParseWithdraw(log types.Log) (*MasterChefv2Withdraw, error) { event := new(MasterChefv2Withdraw) if err := _MasterChefv2.contract.UnpackLog(event, "Withdraw", log); err != nil { return nil, err } event.Raw = log return event, nil }