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package starkware
import (
// rfc6979 implemented in Golang.
// copy from
Package rfc6979 is an implementation of RFC 6979's deterministic DSA.
Such signatures are compatible with standard Digital Signature Algorithm
(DSA) and Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA) digital
signatures and can be processed with unmodified verifiers, which need not be
aware of the procedure described therein. Deterministic signatures retain
the cryptographic security features associated with digital signatures but
can be more easily implemented in various environments, since they do not
need access to a source of high-quality randomness.
Provides functions similar to crypto/dsa and crypto/ecdsa.
// mac returns an HMAC of the given key and message.
func mac(alg func() hash.Hash, k, m, buf []byte) []byte {
h := hmac.New(alg, k)
return h.Sum(buf[:0])
func bits2int(in []byte, qlen int) *big.Int {
vlen := len(in) * 8
v := new(big.Int).SetBytes(in)
if vlen > qlen {
v = new(big.Int).Rsh(v, uint(vlen-qlen))
return v
func int2octets(v *big.Int, rolen int) []byte {
out := v.Bytes()
// pad with zeros if it's too short
if len(out) < rolen {
out2 := make([]byte, rolen)
copy(out2[rolen-len(out):], out)
return out2
// drop most significant bytes if it's too long
if len(out) > rolen {
out2 := make([]byte, rolen)
copy(out2, out[len(out)-rolen:])
return out2
return out
func bits2octets(in []byte, q *big.Int, qlen, rolen int) []byte {
z1 := bits2int(in, qlen)
z2 := new(big.Int).Sub(z1, q)
if z2.Sign() < 0 {
return int2octets(z1, rolen)
return int2octets(z2, rolen)
func generateSecret(
q, x *big.Int,
alg func() hash.Hash,
hash []byte,
extraEntropy []byte,
) *big.Int {
qlen := q.BitLen()
holen := alg().Size()
rolen := (qlen + 7) >> 3
bx := append(int2octets(x, rolen), bits2octets(hash, q, qlen, rolen)...)
// extra_entropy - extra added data in binary form as per section-3.6 of rfc6979
if len(extraEntropy) > 0 {
bx = append(bx, extraEntropy...)
// Step B
v := bytes.Repeat([]byte{0x01}, holen)
// Step C
k := bytes.Repeat([]byte{0x00}, holen)
// Step D
k = mac(alg, k, append(append(v, 0x00), bx...), k)
// Step E
v = mac(alg, k, v, v)
// Step F
k = mac(alg, k, append(append(v, 0x01), bx...), k)
// Step G
v = mac(alg, k, v, v)
// Step H
for {
// Step H1
var t []byte
// Step H2
for len(t) < qlen/8 {
v = mac(alg, k, v, v)
t = append(t, v...)
// Step H3
secret := bits2int(t, qlen)
if secret.Cmp(one) >= 0 && secret.Cmp(q) < 0 {
return secret
k = mac(alg, k, append(v, 0x00), k)
v = mac(alg, k, v, v)